Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011

Bob and I joined a soccer team with several other couples in the stake. I thought it would be fun and social. But they are pretty serious players. We went to our first game friday night. It turned out pretty fun. Bob did way better than I though he would. He even scored a goal. I can run with everyone, but my ball skills aren't so good. It was a fun date though. And it'll be more fun as we get better I hope.

Saturday night we had the Deans over to watch the Utah/BYU game. We just love the Deans. I'm so thankful for them. Everyone has someone to play with and we have such a great time with them. The cougars lost by a lot, but it was still a fun party. Bob and Danny and CJ and Collin got into making a BB gun out of a lighter. The boys found it on youtube and the Deans went and bought all the materials and the men spent at least an hour trying to get them put together. The rest of us played in the playroom and played the Wii Dance party. We had pizza and cookies.

I worked on websites a lot. UWUC wants their drupal site ready by October 1. Hopefully I can get it done. The extra money from these sites is great, but I'm looking forward to not taking any big new projects for a while.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

School started great and the kids are getting settled. They like their school and their friends and teachers. It's nice to be home with just Seth and Ruby. And to be able to run errands with just two kids and to clean up the kitchen after breakfast and have it stay clean. And the kids get home by 2:30 so we still have lots of time together after school.

Last weekend Rachel got baptized. We had a great weekend. Ryan and his family and Dustin and Mom and Dad came. Rachel chose to go to her special lunch at Red Lobster because Danny had talked it up so much from when he went. And she invited Danny to come too since he's baptized too.

Her baptism was nice. Her friends Savannah Dean and Jaclyn Salmon and our old neighbor, May Robinson came to watch. She was so excited to get baptized. We're so proud of her.

We also went to see Hoover Dam and saw Bill Cosby perform, while every one was here. And we swam and ate a lot. It was a nice weekend.