Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 23, 2013 family school

I think I'm going to start doing "Family School" with the kids. It started when we went out to dinner with Meema and Peepa and the kids manners were not what they should be and I realized we need to teach that better. Then when we met Bob's friends and visited their farm. She was telling me about how they homeschool and how most of the kids work independently but an hour a day they do family school where she teaches them all something together. I loved that. So we're going to start doing that a couple afternoons a week. Our afternoons are a little disorganized. With homework, lessons and waiting to see if friends can play, the kids usually settle into some time wasting activity. And it's hard for me to organize the kids enough to do anything fun together and I miss that. And some things could be taught at FHE, but by the time Bob gets home and we have dinner fhe is usually only 20 minutes. So family school is going to be perfect!

Here are some of the topics I've thought of for family school. But I need to pray about it. 
Table manners
Guest manners
Poetry or quotes and recite
Read classic books together 
Art and artists
Holiday stuff
Leadership skills
Qualities and skills they will need to serve where they are needed

Read aloud 2 Nephi 28:7–9. Spend some time memorizing 2 Nephi 28:8. You might want to write it in your scripture study journal from memory or recite it to a family member or friend. In the last days many people will teach false, vain, and foolish doctrines. In your scripture study journal, list a few ways these foolish doctrines are promoted and briefly explain how you can recognize the foolish doctrines of the world and avoid them. (Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students, 2 Nephi, Unit 8: Day 2, 2 Nephi 28)
“We stopped at a water hole to watch the animals come to drink. It was very dry that season and there was not much water, really just muddy spots. … 
“The antelope, particularly, were very nervous. They would approach the mud hole, only to turn and run away in great fright. I could see there were no lions about and asked the guide why they didn’t drink. His answer, and this is the lesson, was ‘Crocodiles.’ 
“I knew he must be joking and asked him seriously, ‘What is the problem?’ The answer again: ‘Crocodiles.’ 
“‘Nonsense,’ I said. ‘There are no crocodiles out there. Anyone can see that.’ … 
“He could tell I did not believe him and determined, I suppose, to teach me a lesson. We drove to another location where the car was on an embankment above the muddy hole where we could look down. ‘There,’ he said. ‘See for yourself.’ 
“I couldn’t see anything except the mud, a little water, and the nervous animals in the distance. Then all at once I saw it!—a large crocodile, settled in the mud, waiting for some unsuspecting animal to get thirsty enough to come for a drink. 
“Suddenly I became a believer! When he could see I was willing to listen, he continued with the lesson. ‘There are crocodiles all over the park,’ he said, ‘not just in the rivers. We don’t have any water without a crocodile somewhere near it, and you’d better count on it.’ … 
“On another trip to Africa I discussed this experience with a game ranger in another park. … 
“He then showed me a place where a tragedy had occurred. A young man from England was working in the hotel for the season. In spite of constant and repeated warnings, he went through the compound fence to check something across a shallow splash of water that didn’t cover his tennis shoes. 
“‘He wasn’t two steps in,’ the ranger said, ‘before a crocodile had him, and we could do nothing to save him’” (“Spiritual Crocodiles,” Ensign, May 1976, 30–31). 
What is the danger of doubting the existence of crocodiles when you can’t see them? How is President Packer’s and the young man’s experience like what Nephi described in 2 Nephi 28:22? 
President Packer explained: 
“Those ahead of you in life have probed about the water holes a bit and raise a voice of warning about crocodiles. Not just the big, gray lizards that can bite you to pieces, but spiritual crocodiles, infinitely more dangerous, and more deceptive and less visible, even, than those well-camouflaged reptiles of Africa. 
“These spiritual crocodiles can kill or mutilate your souls. They can destroy your peace of mind and the peace of mind of those who love you. Those are the ones to be warned against, and there is hardly a watering place in all of mortality now that is not infested with them (Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students, 2 Nephi, Unit 8: Day 2, 2 Nephi 28)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

We just finished our big trip. Rachel and I are waiting at the airport right now. It was perfect. Just the right amount of time and great weather. 

Thursday night we slept on the plane. I think I'm too old for that. I don't remember airplanes being so uncomfortable. Then we rented a car and drove 4 hours to Meema and Peepa's house. It was great to spend time with them. The kids had fun just hanging out and they loved riding skateboards on their driveway. We drove to Bob's parents' graves and all over the area their family is from. We went to church and ran into one of Bob's friends from high school. So we visited their farm that afternoon. That was interesting. They have 7 kids and she home schools them.

Monday and tuesday we picked apples and went to dinner and just hung out. I read 2 books in 2 days so I was pretty lazy. It was great. The weather was so nice and it was nice to just hang out with them. We bought their minivan. It's way nicer than if we would have gone to get one on our own. We are loving the DVD player and automatic doors and GPS and in the winter I'm sure I'm going to love the heated seats. We took the van Tuesday night and drove up to our hotel in Alexandria. 

Bob got us a great hotel with plenty of space for all of us. Wednesday we rode the metro to the national mall. We went to the National archives where they have the constitution and bill of rights. Then we went to the museum of Natural History. That one is so big and full of interesting things. It took us several hours. It was fun to think about how Heavenly Father created all of those things for us. Then we went to the Museum of American History. That one is so big too. After a full day of walking around museums we got back on the metro and went to the Nationals Ballpark and watched the nationals play the Braves. We stayed for half the game and rode the metro home. 

Thursday we drove in and went to the Capitol Building for a Nevada meet and greet with Senator Harry Reid. Then we toured the Capitol. Then we went to the Botanical museum and then to the Air and Space museum. The kids liked riding the simulator ride there and seeing how much they weigh on the moon. Aaron weighed 9 lbs. Then we went to the Jefferson monument at the end of the day. That one was a little sad for me because there were 4 quotes on the walls around  the monument and most of them talked about God and one talked about how our rights are from God and we forget that as a nation we will fail. So much of our nation seems to have forgotten God. 

Friday we went to the National Zoo. It's been a while since we've been to the zoo so that was fun. Then the kids and Bob went to the Spy museum and I went to the Newseum. They were both fairly expensive museums and we both wanted to see ours so splitting up worked great. Then we walked over to the White House and just as we got there they started clearing part of the lawn in front of it. We found out it was because President Obama was supposed to land soon. So we stayed and watched his and 2 other helicopters fly right over us and land on the White House lawn. There were men with guns on top of all the buildings around and they had another helicopter circle over the area for about 10 minutes first to make sure it was clear. We couldn't see the president get out, but it was still neat to be there. 

Saturday we went to Mt. Vernon. That was really good. They've done it so well. You really got a feel for what a good man George Washington was. We all were glad we go to go there. Then we went to Arlington National Cemetery. We watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It rained on us. 

I was worried about the kids whining or having a bad attitude on this trip and about Bob getting stressed out and grumpy too. So the first night we set up a points game where if everyone had all their points there was a reward at the end of the day. It worked great. Everyone behaved really well. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sept 8, 2012

School is going well. It's been 2 weeks so far.  They like their teachers and we're settling in to the routine at Somerset.  The kids all have great teachers.  And it's so great that so many of their good friends switched there too.  I'm really enjoying having a routine again and getting a chance to clean the house up for a few hours a day before it's destroyed again.

Seth started preschool last week.  He loves it and he's doing so well.  It's with Miss Kathy.  Aaron and Rachel went to her too.  He definitely wasn't ready to sit and listen to a teacher last year, but this year he's enjoying doing all the fun projects and being independent.  I'm so proud of him.

And Ruby is loving her time alone.  I was worried she'd be bored without Seth, because they are such great buddies.  But she loves it.  She doesn't have to share anything.  We would play in the playroom a little together and then she was happy to play on her own too.  But the best was one day when we dropped Seth off at school and then went to the store and when we pulled into the parking lot she exclaimed "It's only me! It's only me and you!"  And she loved it.

We leave for our big trip to VA and DC late Thursday night.  Things have been a little crazy the last few weeks to get ready for it.  I had some big website projects that never got done during the summer that I need to get done.  And there are so many house things that just never got done over the summer.  But I'm finally getting on top of things and this week will still be really busy, but I think I'll get it all done and I'm excited for our trip.

My hip rotated again.  It's been so good for several years now.  But this summer I stopped swimming because it was making my headaches worse, so I was going to spinning classes 3 times a week and I think that was just too much for my hip.  I went back to the physical therapist.  He said it was rotated posteriorly if that's a word.  I think that's the way it went after I had Seth.  But it went the other way the first time I had the problem.  He said that's more rare, but easier to treat.  It's feeling a lot better already.  But at least I'm learning a lot more how it works and how to manage and hopefully prevent this when it happens.

My headaches have been really bad since school started.  Maybe it's from more stress from my extra projects.  I don't know.  It's so frustrating how it can be ok for a while and then it comes back so bad for no reason that I can see. 

Our Be Awesome theme went over really well.  We have it framed at the top of the stairs and we give an "I'm Awesome" award to one kid each week.

We also started a money system with the kids this week.  The teasing and whining had gotten a little out of control through the summer.  So I got some fake money and a bunch of candy they can buy in "the store" and we set up 3 rules.
1-Mom or dad will only say something or answer the same question 2 times
2-Do what you're supposed to without complaint
3-No teasing or fighting
They can earn 3 dollars a day if they keep all the rules.  If they break a rule they don't get a dollar.  They can buy things in the store with their money on Saturdays or they can buy computer/tv time for $1/30 minutes. 

I'm hopeful that this system will help a lot of issues.  I've also started saying prayers with Aaron again.  I just get lazy and forget how helpful that is, but then his tantrums and negative attitude get so bad I can't believe I ever stopped. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

August 22, 2013

Back to school theme: Be Awesome

This is what the kids came up with.

Who was the most awesome person to live on the earth? Jesus

Never hurt anybody
Played fair
died for us
good example

What can we do this year to be awesome like him?

Be nice and kind
Love one another
Serve, help others
Pray for help
Help others to be happy
Choose good friends
Be happy
Good example
Work hard
Be a leader