Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015

Girls camp was great.  I loved getting to know my beehives better. And it's so fun to have Rachel in there. Rachel ate too much at dinner one night and threw up and felt sick for a day.  We did a life line activity where we held an egg and were blindfolded and had to move along a rope while people tempted us to let go.  Rachel bore her testimony and was one of the first girls to do it.  She did great. My tingly arms were all better while I was at camp.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

My weekend in Arizona with the girls was fabulous.

School is out.  The last few weeks were a blur. We've been out of school a week. It's still busy, but at least we sleep in.

We aren't doing screens until 5:00 everyday unless I have to go somewhere and then they can have screens when I'm gone.  It's been awesome.  We also got passes to the YMCA to help give us something to do. Danny, Rachel and Aaron can workout in the gym with me and Seth and Ruby go to the childcare.  It works out great.  Track was great for Rachel.  She slimmed down quite a bit, so I'm hoping to keep her more active.  We also got passes to Cowabunga Bay.  It seemed like our summer was going to be a little quiet, so we spent a bunch of money on these activities while we're here, but now it turns out we have every weekend booked for the whole summer and most of the weeks.

My hands have been going tingly.  It's been pretty bad for the last 3 weeks.  It's a little annoying during the day, but it's really bad at night.  There's only one position I can lay in that doesn't make my hands tingly and it's much worse at night than in the day. I've been going to doctors and haven't found out anything yet, but about a week ago my primary care doctor prescribed some kind of nerve pain medicine that also helps me sleep.  It's awesome.  My life is so much better with it.  Without it, I was awake for at least 2-3 hours every night. I don't know how I would go to girls camp without it.  I've been to my primary care doctor and an orthopedic surgeon and had xrays and an emg, but they still don't know why.  Next they are going to try an mri.

Girls camp is Tuesday.  I'm excited to go to camp with Rachel and her friends.  It should be lots of fun. Then the next week is scout camp.  And the next day the kids and I leave to go to a beach house in Mexico with the Deans and several families from our ward. And the day we get home from that Ryan and Kristal are coming to our house for 4th of July weekend.