Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 21, 2016

Danny passed out when he had his blood drawn. He was fasting to do it. They didn't take very much blood. I didn't think anything about it. We walked out when he was done. He was behind me. I went out the door and his legs gave out and he crashed into the door. A nice man helped us get him onto the bed and he had to lay there for 30 minutes before he felt well enough to walk out. He got a nice bump and cut on his forehead and will probably have a canker sore where his braces smashed into his lip. I wish it would have occurred to me to watch him. When he had his ingrown toenail's cut out just watching it made him almost pass out. We talked about how it feels so he can remember next time he starts feeling like that. He's so big and strong. But when that happened he just looked like my tiny little boy.

This week was nice to get things done.  I listened to 2 novels while I cleaned the house.  We went to Ikea. I left my wallet in Bob's car when I went to camp and forgot to get it out after.  We got all our food in the restaurant and then realized I didn't have money.  Luckily Rachel brought $20 so we had to put some of our food back and then we shared while we waited for Bob to bring my wallet to us.

We went to the waterslides. Bob and Danny painted Danny's room. Danny did a 4th laser treatment on his face and a bunch of extractions.  We're hoping that will be the ticket to really clear him up. I also started making cookies and muffins to freeze to have as afterschool snacks when I'm working.  This week I will double some meals to freeze also.  Bob is going to start getting up with Danny when he gets ready for seminary and then go to work when he leaves. Then he'll be able to get home at 5:30.  I think that'll be so nice to have him to help me drive kids around afterschool.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016

Girls camp was great.  We just got home yesterday.  We camped as wards. That was fun to spend time with all the girls I know and the ward leaders that I love serving with.  And when we did levels, I was over Rachel's level. We saw an amazing meteor shower one night.  We saw about 100 shooting starts in an hour.

We had a fun trip to Utah last weekend.  We stayed with Wendy. We spent one morning with Kartrina, then had lunch at J Dawgs and then went to the BYU bookstore and spent the rest of the day with the Deans. We went to the blessing and then had a bbq with Amanda and Wendy and their families.

Now we're on the countdown to school.  This week we can catch up with things and we've been trying to get to ikea all summer so we'll do that and the waterslides.  Next week I'll have to work at least one day and we have one day that is full of open houses to meet everyone's teachers.

Today is Rachel's birthday.  Mostly we celebrated at Kristal's. Today we had norwegian pancakes for breakfast.  And we'll have cake and ice cream after church.  She'll have some friends over for a party sometime this week.