Sunday, August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017

School starts tomorrow.  I'm excited for a routine again and for my house to stay clean during the day. They all seem excited to be starting school.  I think I have a good carpool. I'm excited to get some good things done during the day.  I just need to work on being more disciplined with my time.

I've felt a little anxious about this school year and what kind of work I need to do.  I just don't really know what I want to do for work.  I have a few ideas like websites, photography, maybe some thing with health.  I also want to help at the school and go to the temple and be available to help people and be a deliberate mom.  I was feeling worried about what I would choose or what the Lord wanted me to choose.  But then I felt like it's ok not to know.  So my plan is to have a big list of things I want to accomplish and some of those will be looking for website clients and practicing with my camera or home projects and I'll pray about it and listen and then plan my day or my week.  Hopefully I'll have a least some success in making some money to help pay for teenage drivers and trips, etc.

I don't know if the gluten thing is helping Seth.  Bob took him to Adam Adair's homecoming yesterday and he ate a bunch of donuts. We were 12 days in.  But I also wasn't being super strict with it, like I forgot to ask the deacons to bring him the gluten free bread for sacrament.  And I didn't buy gluten free oats and he ate plenty of those.  We're pretty good at small changes over time, but cold turkey changes are hard for us.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 6, 2017

EFY went well.  Rachel had a wonderful time and talked about the Spirit she felt and got to go to her first dance.  She called me every night.  Danny had a chip on his shoulder all week and before he left. I never found out exactly what his problem was.  He just seems like he doesn't want to do anything that I think is a good idea sometimes.  He barely responded to my texts for 2 days and then he stopped all together.  When he got home he was in just as grumpy as ever and acted like I was judging him.  I just tried to love him and ignore his bad attitude and ask him about the week.  And by the end of that day he was nice again and he's been nice since then.  While the bigs were gone, we went to see a movie and we went to the water slides.

Danny was home for a couple days and then he left to drive to Texas with Blake's family.  They're having a good time there and he will fly home in a few days.  Rachel has started intramural volleyball at the school to get ready for tryouts when school starts.  We only have one week now until the first day of school.  I think we're about ready.  We have the carpool figured out and uniforms purchased.  We just need to get a few more school supplies.

Seth and I started doing gluten-free on Aug. 1.  I want to see if going off gluten will help his allergies and eczema and attention.  I am probably more like "low gluten" because I'm not as good at following it.  And I know there are lots of hidden places they put gluten so hopefully we are getting most of it out.  We've still been doing regular oats, but now I'm thinking I should buy gluten free oats to make sure we're getting it out.  We'll see.  Recently several sources I really like for learning about nutrition and that make a lot of sense with the word of wisdom say that gluten isn't really good for anyone.  I'm torn with that one because that's what got me going on studying the word of wisdom in the first place.  There is a lot of research that says gluten does a lot of harm.  And they probably have changed wheat some since the word of wisdom was given and we probably eat more of it than was intended.  But I still feel a confused about it.  So I keep praying and thinking about it.

My breathing and sleep continue to improve.  My sleep recently made a huge jump.  I got a sleep mask to try to help with my dry eyes and that combined with whatever else I'd been doing have helped me to sleep though the night so much better! It used to feel like the night was a little bit of an ordeal.  Where I would try so hard to fall asleep and then I'd wake up wide awake who knows how many times in the night and have to start the process over.  But now it's finally back to how it should be where I go to sleep and I might wake up in the night, but it's just for a minute and I easily fall back asleep.  It feels so wonderful.