Sunday, March 23, 2008


We've been visiting Jean's family in CA this past week and decided to take a trip to California Hot Springs, ~25 southeast of Porterville. The roads were very windy and after an hour and a half of swimming in a (very itchy) pool we started our drive back. Danny and I were the only ones that didn't get car sick. Rachel laid down and fell asleep, Jean kept still and focused her eyes on the road, while Aaron moaned and cried about a 'mess'.

It turns out that this mess came to the surface as we entered the straighter, less sickening part of our trip. Jean offered to take Aaron out of his seat just in time to have him heave the peanuts he had eaten over the past hour. Aaron had just gotten through his first effort of removing this burden from his stomach, when in between gags he tried to exclaim "Done! Done!" only to have this attempt interrupted by another gag. This event was repeated when we pulled up to the house. Aaron was apparently stating his dislike for puking and the desire to be finished with an uncomfortable and unpleasant car ride.


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