Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where are your brains, Aaron?

I have always posed redundant questions to my kids: What's your name? Where do you live? How old are you? What color are your eyes? Where's your nose?

In the past, I've usually taken the opportunity to ask these questions when I have a captive audience, like when I'm changing a diaper. I recently added a new question - Where are your brains? I aksed this question of Aaron and he immediately pointed to his rear end. Hmmm, that was weird (and funny).

I decided to show my new monkey trick to Jean. We had a good chuckle after which I commented "I wonder where he picked that up from?" Jean is smart. She pointed out that it probably stems from many of the diaper changing sessions. When I encounter a particularly stinky diaper, I'll say "Ohhhhh, KID'S NAME HERE, you pooped your brains out." I guess I've said this enough that Aaron has associated brains with poop. For a while he claimed to have poop for brains or at least that's what you could conclude from his response.

We've now taught him the correct anatomical location of his brains. Now when asked about his brains, he'll begin to point to his hind quarters, smirk and then point to his head. But, we didn't correct him until we got it on video.

Being a parent is awesome.

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