Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15, 2009

Seth continues to be a content little guy. He is still sleeping a lot and he is eating better. He had his circumcision this week. With the other boys they did it while we were still at the hospital. But in Las Vegas they wait until the boy is 2 weeks old. It was sad to see him hurt, but by the next day he seemed to be fine. He is healing nicely.

My mom and dad came to help last weekend. My dad was here for the weekend and then my mom stayed until Wednesday. It was so nice to have them visit. And I like that they come a week or two after the baby. Then I'm feeling better and can enjoy the company more. My mom was so helpful cleaning the house and laundry and entertaining kids. She is such a good example of how to be a good mom. I'm so thankful for her.

Aaron is going through a bit of the "terrible threes". It seems like our kids all have had a harder time being 3 than 2 years old. So my new goal is to be better at having school at home with him two days a week. I did that with the other kids and I started doing it a little at the beginning of the school year, but I was so tired the last few months while I was pregnant that I didn't do it much. But I think he would really benefit from the attention and the structure. I'm going to try to do two lessons a week; one from my preschool book and one from the new nursery manual.

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