Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10 - Mother's day

I've had such a great mothers day. It started yesterday when Bob watched the kids while I went and got a pedicure and a new shirt for church. It was especially nice of him since Danny was sick and throwing up yesterday. Then today I got up and Bob had made breakfast and he and all the kids had made cards for me. And I'd asked for a 5 gallon bucket and a plunger for Mother's day (I read they make a really good clothes washer if there's no power) and he'd filled the bucket with several of my favorite candies. I taught Relief Society and it went really well. And Aaron had no tantrums yesterday. It was so wonderful. And he's had a few today, but he was great at church. He didn't complain once and he did the scripture in primary. Then Bob made lunch and after that I took a nap. It's been a pretty perfect day.

Friday night we had a graduation party for Bob. We got some decorations at the party store. Rachel made many additional ones too. We had cake and ice cream. And Rachel made a diploma. We're very proud of Bob.

My hip is doing much better. The doctor said I was just rotated a little this time and I was 50% better than the last time I went in. He said he thinks I should be able to run a mile in 4 weeks. I don't think I'll try that soon. I need to get much stronger first. But it was such a hopeful doctor appointment. I haven't had one of those in such a long time. I'm excited for the possibility of getting all better.

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