Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11

We're almost done with sickness. I went in to the doctor on Tuesday night and found out I had bronchitus. So I've been on antibiotics. I feel pretty good now, I just still have a cough. I hope we get a break from sickness for a least a couple weeks.

Yesterday Amanda and Kevin came down for the BYU vs UNLV game. We got a babysitter and Bob and I met them at the stadium. We had a great time. It was so fun to sit and talk with her.

Friday, Bob watched the boys and I went shopping for a couple of hours. That was a really nice break. He's such a good husband.

I started Young Women's today. I think it'll be lots of fun. There are so many young women in our ward! I need to remember to get set apart next week. I love getting set apart. It's nice to get a blessing.

Aaron's been having a hard couple of days. He's been in constant tantrum mode since Thursday. I hope it's just because he'd been sick. His tantrums are horrible. He doesn't ever talk to anyone in a normal way. It's always whining or yelling. And anything can set him off.

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