Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25

I went to girls camp this week. My mom came to stay with the kids. They did great with her. She flew in Monday night and I left Tuesday morning. The kids all loved their time with her. I got home Saturday morning and I got to do a little shopping with her and take her to see Debbie Lewis's house before she left Saturday night.

Camp was great. It was so good to get to know all the girls better. The weather was great. The port-a-potties were yucky, especially since I have to go extra while I'm pregnant. And I got more tired than normal, being pregnant, but other than that I didn't have any problems.

Things seem to be coming together for Debbie's house. The realtor thinks we could probably get the house for what we can afford. And it looks like we'll be fine to come up with the down payment in time. It'll make things a little tighter for the next few years. But I think we can handle it as long as nothing really big happens. And we both have contracting work and are willing to work hard. But we're praying about it all the time and so far haven't felt like it's a bad idea. We meet with the realtor on Tuesday to really talk it out and then we have to talk to her lender and make sure we can get pre-approved for the loan we would need. Then they'll start the process at the end of August. The realtor thinks it could go through, if it all works, by the end of the year, but I don't want to move until spring; I think it'll be too hard to move earlier than that with a new baby.

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