Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26, 2012

I feel like we've had so much bad luck lately.  Last weekend I was doing some regular updates on my drupal United Way sites and one of the sites crashed. And then all the backups were corrupt. So I worked all weekend to repair it.  I finally got it mostly working Monday around noon.  We were supposed to leave that morning to go stay in St. George with the Deans.  But we had to leave late.  Then we finally got there around dinner time. At bedtime Ruby started really crying and saying her ear hurt.  With no other symptoms but a slightly runny nose.  But all the kids had had a cold the week before.  It was so not like her so I took her to the ER. She had an ear infection. We got her medicine and came home.  When I got home around midnight, I found out Seth had been crying the whole time I was gone about his ears. So I turned around and went back to the ER.  He had an infection in both ears.  Once they had the medicine they got better really fast.  Then we went up to Draper to visit Wendy and get our dog.  We stayed there a day and came back.  It's been much harder than I thought to adjust to a dog.  I really don't like it and the mess and the extra work.  But the kids love him already.  So we'll see.  And then today our water heater broke and leaked through the wall and all over the bathroom. Of course it was on a Sunday.  I just want to go back to regular life and not have all this crazy stuff happen.  A normal amount of crazy is ok, but this is way more that usual.

Last week we went to the Luxor for the reward for the kids doing their summer jobs. We had a great time.  The kids and I checked in and walked around the hotel.  Then Bob brought pizza for dinner and we went swimming.  The kids all had a great time in a the big pools.  Then we went back and watched the Lorax in the room.  The next morning we went swimming again and then we went to the Pawn shop from the tv show Pawn Stars.  The kids watch it a bunch on netflix.  They all thought it was awesome to be where their show takes place.

School starts tomorrow.  We met their teachers on Friday.  They all seemed good. The kids are all excited and a little nervous for tomorrow.  It'll be nice for all of us to get back to a regular schedule.

We had a great summer.  I feel like we probably went on too many trips because we really weren't home much at all in July and August.  But we did a lot of really fun things.

Today Bob gave the kids blessings for going back to school.  We had a testimony meeting first and then the blessings.  It was really nice.  Bob gave me a blessing too.  This is what I can remember:
  • I will be able to structure my time
  • I will make time to get the rest and exercise I need
  • I'll see the benefit of my efforts in my kids' lives, the girls in YW and the women around me as I serve
  • Health blessings
  • I'll be able to set schedules and patterns from what may seem like chaos
  • I'll be able to accomplish what I need to in time.
  • I'll be effective with my time.
  • The Lord will take my effort and double it. 

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