Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28, 2012

Last weekend my mom, dad, grandma Donna, Casey and Kristal came to do the PumpkinMan Triathlon.  We had such a good time.  Kristal did the olympic length and I did her swim part.  Bob and my Dad did their own sprint races.  And Casey and my mom were on a relay team.

Everyone got here Thursday night.  Friday the girls all went shopping and out to lunch.  Then we all picked up our race packets and tried to go to bed early.

Saturday we went down to the lake for the race.  We got there about 20 minutes before Bob's start time.  So when we parked I jumped out and ran to take pictures and help him set up.  But by the time we got to the bike racks I realized I'd lost the car keys along the way.  So I retraced my steps, but they were gone.  I prayed my guts out and talked to all the race volunteers over and over because all my race stuff was still in the van.  I had an hour until my start time.  And it got down to 10 minutes before my race so I decided I'd swim without my wetsuit and they said there were extra caps and I got Bob's goggles from him and we just wouldn't be timed because I didn't have the timing chip either.  So I was walking down to the lake and the girl who picked up my keys turned them in right then.  So my mom and I sprinted to my van and I put my wetsuit on while my mom drove me down to the lake.  I ran into the lake, they pointed out the course and then the gun went off.  We barely made it, but what a blessing. 

My swim was 1500 meters.  It went great.  I did it in 31 minutes. And I did half of it breast stroke because it took me a long time to get my stroke right with being able to look forward so I'd swim straight. But about halfway I got that down and then it went really smoothly. It was fun to swim in open water instead of laps.

Saturday afternoon, my mom and dad went with my family over to a grassy spot on the Aliante trail and took our family pictures with our new fancy camera.  They turned out great and I already have them on the wall.  Then that night we went to Laser Quest for Aaron's birthday.  Everyone had a great time.

Aaron had a good, low-key birthday.  He has happy that so much family was here for him.  He got a couple lego sets and some gummy bears for his birthday.  He decided to keep the rest of the money he was given and save it.  He had over $350 saved up now.

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