Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012

Basketball is done for 3 weeks! It'll be a great break from driving to practices and games.

Last night we were given some great tickets to the Las Vegas Legends soccer game.  We took the 3 oldest.  It was great.  It wasn't crowded at all. And our seats were in the VIP area where they had free popcorn.  The kids were in heaven.  And there was a lounge area behind the seats.  So when they got tired of watching the game they went and played in the empty lounge.  It was a great night.

We went to see the lights at the speedway.  Ruby loved it.  Sadly, Seth fell asleep before we got there.  I'm sure he'll love it next year.

Bob and I looked at our budget and made our financial goals for the coming year and things are looking much better than we thought.  We are so blessed.  We've been able to do a lot of the things we've been wanting to in the last few months.  Next month we're going to get a new bed I've been wanting so we can give ours to Danny so his room can also be the guest room and we can shift beds in everyone's rooms so that Ruby will get a big bed.  We also are hoping to put in some more cement in the backyard so the kids can play basketball.  And we made plans for how to save for a new car for Bob when his dies and for a trip to Virginia to visit Bob's grandparents.  We need to be very good with following our budget to make it all happen, but it's very exciting to be able to use our resources efficiently and be blessed for it.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012

The big kids and I started reading "the life and adventures of Santa Claus" at night.  I'm really liking that. I want to read to them more.  They really like it too.  We also made fudge this week.  I love our Christmas traditions.

Seth started a playgroup with a little boy from the other ward.  I didn't realize the other little boy is a whole year younger than Seth. But it'll still be nice for him to play with a boy. I need to figure something out for Seth.  He's always done things his own way and I've been ok with that.  But he's almost four and he'll be going to Sunbeams in a month and preschool in six months and he's not good with listening to other people if it's not what he wants to do.  The other kids might have been like that with me at home, but they would never dream of not being obedient to another adult.  Seth doesn't care.  One of my new year's resolutions will be to be better with preschool at home for him and to get him more structured.  I need to pray about this one.

Aaron's also having a hard time.  His tantrums and quitting and fighting with the other kids is really getting old.  He's the opposite of Seth because I always get glowing reports from school and church about what a great kid he is.  But at home he doesn't play well with the other kids and has a tantrum at least once a day.  That's another one I need to keep praying about.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2, 2012

We went to Visalia last week for Thanksgiving.  Everyone was there.  We got there Tuesday night until Sunday afternoon.  Wednesday, Danny Rachel, Aaron and I went shopping and they all got new shoes and Rachel and Aaron got new pants.  Danny didn't need either.  He's quite the shopper and tells me when he needs things and exactly what he wants.  But the other two need to be forced a little.  In the end, they were all happy though. That night we went to see the last Twilight movie. Thursday we had a great Thanksgiving dinner and we all went to see Wreck it Ralph. Friday we went over to Pismo and rented ATVs. This year my dad also got a dune buggy, which was great because then our three oldest could ride that and they were happy.  And it was great weather that day too. Saturday we mostly hung out and went to the park. It was a great trip.

I've been sick all week since we got back.  It's no fun to be sick when you're a mom. Ruby's been sick too.

I'm all done Christmas shopping.  That's nice because it's a lot of work.  I'm so glad for online shopping. I can't imagine if I had to go to all those stores.