Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 1, 2013*

I think I'm not dealing with stress well. My headaches and breathing and sleeping are all causing problems. When I specifically prayed and worked on my breathing it got better. I really need help. My headaches are so bad and so common. I need something to change. Here's my brainstorm on what I can do differently.

  • Go to bed by 10
  • Limit time on computer: work 1 hour at night and no screens after 10 am.
  • Morning devotional: read scriptures, ponder and plan day when I get up or after breakfast. 
  • Put a few 10 minute meditation breaks into my day
  • When I first notice a headache or tension, take care of it: eye drops, meditation break, stretching
  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise 4 days a week if possible
  • Stretch before bed

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