Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

I'm feeling a little swamped with kids activities.  Danny is on 2 basketball teams and finishing soccer. Rachel is doing student council and drama after school and doing volleyball.  Aaron is doing football and soon will switch to basketball and just added scouts.  And all are doing piano.  I pretty much don't plan to get anything done after the kids get home because we're in the car most of the time. 

I'm really excited about all the "hastening the work" talks and missionary work talks in conference and in our ward and stake.

I've been working on my priorities lately.  I know what I think is important and I try to schedule my days so I can be more effective.  But, even then, I was noticing that lower priority things were taking up too much time.  So I'm trying to switch my scripture reading to the morning and then using that time to help me see what I should focus on that day.  I'm still working it out, but I think it'll really help.

Aaron's tantrums were really bad this week, which is too bad because we did so many fun Halloween things. I think part of it is that he's slowly been staying up later.  So we're working on that. 

The kids had a halloween piano recital on Monday night.  They did great.  Wednesday night was our Trunk r Treat.  Bob was in charge, as the ward mission leader, so I went around with the little kids and then we handed out candy.  Thursday was Halloween and we went over to Shauna Reed's house and had pizza and then went trick or treating.  It was a huge group.  The kids had lots of fun.  Danny and Aaron were sumo wrestlers, Rachel was a crayon box, Seth was a power ranger one night and spiderman from last year one night, and Ruby was Sophia the first.

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