Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013

It's Christmas break.  Bob and I have been working together a lot better with the kids.  It's so great. We're going to go see the therapist to talk about Aaron in a few weeks.  But for Christmas break we offered Danny and Aaron a reward.  If they can not fight, or solve their own fights quietly for the whole 2 weeks, we'll buy them another xbox controller.  Danny is getting an xbox for Christmas and it only comes with one controller. So we think it'll be a really good motivation.  They already fought once and Aaron went ballistic.  I think he just doesn't have the confidence.  When he thinks he will fail then he just lets himself fail big.  At least I think that's what's going on because I gave him a big pep talk after he freaked out and told him I know he can do it and Danny will help remind him and now he's doing great.  I really hope they can succeed with this so it can build his confidence a little.  Bob is saying prayers with Aaron now too.  So between the 2 of us we are more consistent. I think it will really help too.

Today I made homemade eggnog to drink during a family game night tonight.  If it's good maybe we'll make it a tradition.  But it'll have to be pretty good because it took an hour to make.  We went to the chocolate factory on Friday night.  That is always so fun.

I put some effort into researching a club basketball league for Danny.  He really loves basketball and is pretty good.  So I thought he'd for sure want to take it to the next level.  That's what I always wanted with dancing. I got a scout to come watch him play his game yesterday.  He said Danny has potential, but he's kind of rough.  But he thinks he can get Danny on a team.  I told Danny about it and he didn't like hearing that his skills were rough.  And he said he likes being in the NJB league where he can be one of the best ones.  Who knows.

The kids are dying for Christmas to be here.  They count their presents and talk about it constantly.  This will be a big Christmas this year.  We blew our budget by a couple hundred even after each of the kids paid $100 toward their gift.  It was so hard to just give them their one big gift and nothing else.  But they are getting lots of socks and underwear filler gifts this year too.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013

The boys are big into basketball now.  They're doing really well.  Rachel's volleyball starts again this week. All the kids activities are fun, but it sure makes it hard to fit in lots of fun Christmas traditions. We've made fudge and christmas pretzal kisses and we went to the lights at the speedway this weekend.  But we're lucky if we get one afternoon a week when all the kids are home, and then they want to play with friends.

Aaron is doing better in lots of ways, but he still has trouble with some things.  Like helping with anything. He just doesn't do it or lies about it or falls on the floor in a fit.  He's a little addicted to the ipad and sneaks away and spends too much time playing.  He cries his head off and is going to die when he gets hurt, but only at home.  He and Danny fight a ton.  He doesn't notice other people's needs or feelings--his needs are way too big--more than other kids.

I finally got botox last week.  It seems to really be helping. Today is my first really bad headache.  I still get headaches most days, but they aren't as bad and they can be short.  It used to be that if it got really bad it would stay that way until I went to bed.

The skin on my right knee went numb about two weeks ago. It doesn't cause me any problems and I can't remember anything I could have done that would cause it. But in case this ends up being a long term thing now I'll know when it started. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013

We just got back from Ryan's house for Thanksgiving.  We weren't going to go because they just had Ella on Monday, but they talked us into it.  We had a good time.  We had a great dinner and went to see Frozen on Thanksgiving.  Friday we went the the beach.  Danny had a great time fishing with Ryan. Seth loved playing Jake and the Neverland pirates on the pirate ship at the playground.  It was great weather and we all had a good time.  Saturday Ryan and Grandpa took Danny fishing again and then we went to the park and came home.

I'm mostly done with Christmas shopping.  This year Danny, Rachel and Aaron all wanted a big expensive gift.  Danny wants an xbox, Rachel wants an ipod, and Aaron wants a go kart.  They were all between $200 and $250, but we try to not spend more than $150 per kid.  So we explained that to them and they are each paying or doing jobs for $100 toward their gift.  I feel a little bad that they have to pay for their own Christmas presents, but I don't want them to be spoiled or think they can get anything they ask for, so I guess I don't feel that bad.