Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

Seth stepped on a rusty nail this week.  He and Ruby were playing on the side of the house with the air conditioners.  They never play there, so we've never worried about some old bike ramps Danny made once and stored there.  It got red and swollen.  He's on some strong antibiotics.

The kids have a 5 day weekend.  I forgot how messy the house gets when they're all home!

The kids had parent teacher conferences last week.  All had great things to say.  There were no complaints with Rachel, she's a delight and works hard.  Aaron's teacher is impressed with him and asks him to explain things to other kids sometimes.  Her only complaint was that he talks a lot! Somehow he still gets his work done while talking, but the kids around him aren't as good at that.  Danny is doing well too.  He is smart but doesn't always try as hard as he can and his teachers only complaint was his horrible hand writing.

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