Monday, March 16, 2009


Bob gave me a blessing last night. Here are the main points I can remember.
  • I will feel the spirit palpably when I need it and spirit will work stronger in my life and the kids' lives. And it will be stronger in our home
  • I will see the hand of the Lord more powerfully in my life
  • I will feel content and peaceful and know that things are taken care of and provided for in my life
  • I will know when to push my body and when to lay off when exercising in regard to my back and hip
  • My body will fully heal from childbirth
I was hoping for a little more direct guidance for what to do for my back, but I guess I'll just have to keep praying as I go along. Another neat thing is that I was looking through my old journals to read about when I hurt my knee in college and how that healed. As I was reading, I found what I wrote from a blessing my dad gave me. It said I would receive all the blessings in my patriarchal blessing even if I didn't recognize it at the time. I'd forgotten about that. I've always wondered a little because I didn't recognize Bob when I saw him. It was just a nice confirmation that I didn't just miss out on that blessing.

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