Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26

Amanda and her family stayed with us last night. They are on their way through to Disneyland. We got a babysitter and went out to dinner with Kevin and Amanda. It was so fun to spend some time with them. It's nice to be in a place where so many people pass through.

I had a tooth pulled this week. It wasn't fun. I had a root canal in the tooth in college. Then I finally got a crown on it about 3 years ago, but the dentist didn't do a very good job and they had to redo the crown. But in the process of taking it off and putting another one on, the tooth cracked all the way through the root. So this week I went in to see what was going on and they explained it all and pulled it right then. I didn't have any milk saved up in the freezer for Seth, so I couldn't take the pain medicine they prescribed for me. That first night was really painful. It's getting better now, though. And I go back in a couple of weeks to get a permanent bridge put in.

I hurt my back last weekend. I'm not really sure what I did. But it kind of threw me off with my rhythm for how my back was getting better. I've had weird different aches and pains this week. But overall not too bad. I'm still just walking for exercise.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19

The kids were back to school this week. They have less than 2 months left. The year has gone so fast. Danny and Rachel had their first soccer games yesterday. They were both a little humbled after the games. Danny has moved up to the 7-9 year old league and Rachel's real soccer game was a little harder than family soccer in the living room. Last year we rewarded Danny with ice cream at Golden Spoon when he scored goals. They were both expecting that after the game, but it didn't happen yet. But they had fun. Rachel has a hard time focusing after the first half of the game or practice. She starts dancing around of digging holes with her cleats. But she comes home saying she had a great time. And we have fun watching her.

I've been doing more walking and I haven't had pain this week. Bob and I are having a competition to see who can lose some weight first. My goal is 9 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. And Bob's goal is 13 lbs. Whoever does it first gets $100 to spend on whatever they want. Bob's super serious about winning. He goes to the gym twice a day and eats the same or less than I do. I think he's going to win. But, I'm still trying to eat better and exercise when I can because I'm tired of not fitting into all my clothes.

I've been working on websites quite a bit. My New Mexico site wants their site redesigned. I like that kind of work. And it's nice to make the extra money.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12 - Easter

We had a great visit at my parent's house. We went to the park a lot and shopping and just relaxed at her house. We had planned to go to the beach to celebrate Danny's birthday, but it was forecast to rain most of the week there. So we went to Adventure Park (an arcade and miniature golf place). Danny seemed just fine with how it turned out. It was nice to have a change of scenery.

Then we drove home on Friday. And everyone came here that night. Our house was full. We put our kids in the closet and used all the bedrooms for other family members. We went to a movie and had pizza and just hung out around the house. We also had a combined birthday party for Danny, Casey, Ryan and my dad.

This morning for Easter we hid Easter baskets for the kids and Aaron apparently ate too much candy because he threw up during sacrament meeting. Luckily we were in the overflow on the hardwood floor so it was easy to clean up. I had to teach Relief Society today. Then we came home and had lunch and walked to the park.

Seth was blessed today too. It was nice to have my brothers and dad here to participate. Seth slept the whole time. He's such a wonderful, easy-going baby. He still sleeps well day and night. He sleeps with me and gets up a couple of times a night, but I think that's partly because he sleeps with me still. We're going to work on moving him to his bed over the next month. He takes naps easily and sleeps in his carseat in my room for most naps.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5

My hip is much better than last time. It turns out that when it rotates forward it's something I can control more. And if I get my muscles strong with exercise and stretching I can keep it in place. Last time it seemed like it was more the tendons that couldn't hold my hip in place because even though I did all the exercises it still didn't stay in place. So my doctor says I shouldn't need to come back unless it gets really bad again. And I haven't had much pain at all since I saw him on Tuesday. I'm really excited and hopeful. This week I'm going to start adding in some aerobic exercise like walking along with my strengthening and see how it goes.

Danny's birthday was fun on Thursday. He requested dinner at Carl's Jr. and fudge instead of birthday cake. Then we went to the church and played catch-it.