Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12 - Easter

We had a great visit at my parent's house. We went to the park a lot and shopping and just relaxed at her house. We had planned to go to the beach to celebrate Danny's birthday, but it was forecast to rain most of the week there. So we went to Adventure Park (an arcade and miniature golf place). Danny seemed just fine with how it turned out. It was nice to have a change of scenery.

Then we drove home on Friday. And everyone came here that night. Our house was full. We put our kids in the closet and used all the bedrooms for other family members. We went to a movie and had pizza and just hung out around the house. We also had a combined birthday party for Danny, Casey, Ryan and my dad.

This morning for Easter we hid Easter baskets for the kids and Aaron apparently ate too much candy because he threw up during sacrament meeting. Luckily we were in the overflow on the hardwood floor so it was easy to clean up. I had to teach Relief Society today. Then we came home and had lunch and walked to the park.

Seth was blessed today too. It was nice to have my brothers and dad here to participate. Seth slept the whole time. He's such a wonderful, easy-going baby. He still sleeps well day and night. He sleeps with me and gets up a couple of times a night, but I think that's partly because he sleeps with me still. We're going to work on moving him to his bed over the next month. He takes naps easily and sleeps in his carseat in my room for most naps.

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