Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27

I missed writing last week because we were in Utah. We left Friday and drove up to Bob's mom's house. Casey came over that night. Then Saturday morning I went up to Sandy and had lunch with Amanda and Wendy. That was great. I love those girls. Then Bob and I went to the BYU game with Casey and Kami. Casey won 4 tickets to the game plus VIP parking and food before the game and at half time. BYU lost big, but it was still fun. Then we came home Sunday morning.

Today Bob, Rachel and Aaron are all sick. It was the primary program, so that was sad for the kids to miss it. Rachel seems to have it the worst. She's had a fever for 3 days, so if she doesn't get better tomorrow I might have to take her in. I really hope Seth doesn't get it. He's just barely getting back to his regular self after being sick the last time.

I got a new calling today. I'm a beehive advisor now. And they'll release me from both my other callings. I'm happy, but sad. I'm sure I'll really like Young Women's too. I loved it in GA. But I was really loving being RS teacher and VT coordinator. There are so many amazing women in our ward and I got to know so many of them because of my callings. And I loved going to Relief Society every Sunday.

My websites continue to stay busy. I keep thinking I'm almost done, but as soon as I get something done I get another request from another site. The money is really nice, and I guess it's good to get it in now since the kids are back in school and it's before the holiday season.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13

Seth got sick this week. He's also getting his top front teeth, so he's had a rough week. He's starting to do better now, he's not sick, just a little snotty still. But both his teeth aren't through yet, so he's not completely back to his normal self yet.

Yesterday we went boating with the Deans on Lake Mead. They have their own boat and go all the time and this time invited us. We all had a great time. We left at 6:30 and got back around 4:00. The lake was so warm. I always associate waterskiing with getting cold in the water. But the water was perfect. The kids loved it and loved being with their friends. They all really liked swimming with life jackets on. Rachel and Aaron weren't sure about it at first, but once they realized they really wouldn't go under, they had a great time.

I finished all my big website projects and the requests for updates have slowed down, so it's more back to normal. That's nice.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

September 6

Aaron went to preschool this week and loved it. His teacher said he did great too. He's so excited to go to his school and make crafts and do fun things. Those times while he's at school are going to be so great for me too. Seth takes a regular nap at exactly the same time that Aaron is at school. So I can get so much done on those days!

I taught Relief Society today. The lesson went really well. I love that calling. I love that everytime I read the lesson the first time, I don't know how to teach it and then as I work at it and pray, it just comes together. And I'm able to see the things I should emphasize and questions I should ask. I also love doing the visiting teaching.

I worked on websites a lot this week. It seemed like everyone had changes they needed done right away. It was doable, but I'm glad most weeks aren't that busy.

I read the book "Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale this week. I read about it somewhere and it sounded good so I requested it from the library. It took a couple of months to come in because so many other people had requested it. At first I didn't know if I wanted to take the time to read it, most of the time reading books for fun doesn't make it to the top of my list of things to do; not because I don't like to read, but because there are so many other things that need to be done. But I really enjoyed that book. It was entertaining and easy and it was a nice break from the normal.