Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13

Seth got sick this week. He's also getting his top front teeth, so he's had a rough week. He's starting to do better now, he's not sick, just a little snotty still. But both his teeth aren't through yet, so he's not completely back to his normal self yet.

Yesterday we went boating with the Deans on Lake Mead. They have their own boat and go all the time and this time invited us. We all had a great time. We left at 6:30 and got back around 4:00. The lake was so warm. I always associate waterskiing with getting cold in the water. But the water was perfect. The kids loved it and loved being with their friends. They all really liked swimming with life jackets on. Rachel and Aaron weren't sure about it at first, but once they realized they really wouldn't go under, they had a great time.

I finished all my big website projects and the requests for updates have slowed down, so it's more back to normal. That's nice.

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