Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31

Seth turned one on Wednesday. Seth is such a wonderful boy. He's so happy and mild. He loves his silkies ("gigies") and reading books. He also loves anything we use a lot--the computer keyboard and mouse, all the phones and remotes and the piano. He's having fun learning to walk and can't get enough of holding my fingers to get around. He loves his brothers and sister and puts up with their constant hugs and kisses. He's such a sweet boy and he's a great snuggler.

Friday night was new beginnings. They have a sleep over in our ward for new beginnings. It was really fun to hang out with the girls. I feel like I'm starting to build relationships with the girls. It's a good feeling. We had a spa night and the bishopric spoke. I stayed until 2 am and then went home to sleep in my own bed.

Saturday night Bob surprised me and took me on a date to the movies and dinner. It was nice to spend time with him.

I'm going to work on earning the Young Women medallion by May when they award the medallions for the year. It's been really great to get started on it. I was worried at first that I might not have enough time to get it done, but so many of the things it asks you to do, I'm already doing as a wife and mother. It's such an inspired program that really does help prepare the girls.

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