Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17

We had a fun weekend. We went to Visalia Thursday night and stayed until Monday afternoon. My grandparents were down visiting so we decided to go too. The weather was great and we had such a good time with everyone. Friday I went shopping during the day and at night we got a babysitter and went to the temple with my parents and grandparents. That was really nice.

Saturday we had a great, girly afternoon. My mom and grandma and I took Rachel to the mall and got her ears pierced. She had decided she was ready about a week before and we thought it would be fun to do it with Grandma. She was so brave. She didn't even cry or wimper. She picked some pink sparkly flower earrings. She held my hands while it was done, but then she said they were sore for a couple of hours and then they were fine. She's so happy with her pretty earrings. We also went and picked her out a pretty pink skirt and sweater outfit because it's fun to go shopping on girly outings like that.

We also went out to eat and played the farming game because Bob had never played it before and ate lots of Valentine candy that my mom got from her students. We went to the park, and on Monday we went to my mom's school and played on that playground and in her classroom.

Seth started taking his first steps on his own. He's been loving holding our fingers and walking for the last couple of weeks, but hasn't wanted to even stand on without something to hold on to. But he took his first couple of steps last week at home between Bob and I. And then he took 4 or 5 at a time at my moms. And now he's up to half the length of our big room. He can't stand himself up yet if he falls, though. He's so happy to be walking a little. I've been praying for him for a few weeks to be able to do it. He wants to do it so badly. He just laughs and smiles as he walks now.

Saturday night at my mom's I got sick. I thought I just ate too much Valentine candy, but I was nauseous all night and it didn't go away when I got up. I thought I'd be ok just sitting at church so I went. But then I started getting achy and my skin hurt. So by the end of Sacrament meeting I told Bob I needed him to take me home early. When I walked out into the foyer, things started getting black. So I sat down on one of the couches, but then I thought I needed to throw up, so I went to the bathroom, but as soon as I got in there I passed out. One of the ladies in there told Bob and he came and got me and carried me to the van. I threw up in the bushes and then someone had one of the ward members who is a doctor come talk to me. He thought it was probably because I had a virus and I was dehydrated. Bob took me home and I slept most of the rest of the day. And I was pretty much fine on Monday.

I started taking a Master swim class at the gym. They have a girl who swam in college teaching us how to swim better. I've gone twice now and I love it! I think I'll really like swimming, maybe even like running, especially as I get better at it. My form has already gotten a lot better with just two classes. I take Aaron and Seth to the childcare while I swim because the class is at 10. Aaron loves it, but Seth has cried pretty much the whole time. He's recently started having a little stranger anxiety and he has to miss a nap to go. I feel really bad, but I really like the class. I hope he starts getting used to it there.

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