Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14

Bob had an exciting birthday this year. He's been on a lucky streak lately. He listens to talk radio all the time and a couple of weeks ago they were giving away tickets to Nascar weekend. Bob called in and won. I didn't know people really win those things. The prize Bob really wanted was tickets to the MountainWest Basketball tournament. So they started giving them away last week. He called in and won two tickets to the championship game. He was happy about that, but he'd like to go to more than just one game. So there was another giveaway and he called in and won again! He won 2 tickets to the whole thing. Jackpot! He was so proud of himself. And to make it even better, his good friend, Kenton, decided to come out from Chicago to go to all the games together. They even wore matching Cougar shirts (sadly we forgot to take pictures). The night before Kenton came in and the games started, Bob could hardly sleep he was so excited. They spent three days at the basketball games and had a great time! Even when they spent 3 1/2 hours at the DMV together. And Mark was able to join them for a couple of hours on his way through town.

On Bob's actual birthday, we had pizza and sprite and chocolate cake from costco--all Bob's favorites. He got a double glasses case that Rachel made for him in her sewing class; so he can carry his regular glasses and perscription sunglasses at the same time. Danny got him a sudoku book, Aaron got him a baseball tee so they can practice together. And he got new tennis shoes for his upcoming triathlon.

Danny got contacts this week. He realized that it was going to be hard to see the ball in baseball, but didn't want to wear his glasses. My eye dr said he's given contacts to lots of responsible 8-year-olds. And Danny is very responsible. He was so excited. He's been a little less excited the last couple of days as he's realized it's going to take a little while to get good at getting them in, but he'll get the hang of it soon.

Seth is walking really well. He loves it, it makes him so happy to walk all day.

Rachel's sewing lesson was fun this week. She was able to make Bob's present. I think it's going to be really fun to do this with her. It'll be nice to do easy projects like pillows and things where it doesn't matter if you get it just right or not--that's usually the frustrating part of sewing for me. And she loves it.

I'm really loving swimming. I'm still going to my swim class at the gym every wednesday (Seth still doesn't like going to the childcare). I'm getting so much better at swimming. And I go on Mondays by myself and swim a mile.

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