Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21

I'm pregnant! I've been wanting another baby, but Bob didn't really. I thought I'd be able to talk him into it by the end of the year. But it surprised us both. I thought I had ovarian cysts again and my cycle had been a little odd. But I never would have thought I'd get pregnant when I did. This baby must be meant to be! Bob was a little shocked, but he's coming around. He says this is definitely the last one. I think I'm ok with that. I don't know if I could handle six or being pregnant six times. I'm really hoping this'll be a girl and I can name her Ruby. But I love our boys and I'd be fine with another one. My pregnancy with Seth was really hard, I'm hoping this one won't be quite as bad. I'm in better shape now and I couldn't exercise that much because of my back last time, but this time I have swimming, so I'm hoping that'll help. And I have an appointment with my doctor this week. I already had one scheduled for the cysts. So I'm hoping by going in early, I can get some Zofran early and that'll help with the sickness. I think I'm due in mid November. Time seems like it goes so fast now, so November doesn't really feel that far away. I hope it goes as fast as it seems like it will.

Yesterday Bob and I went to Sandy, our next door neighbor's, 70th birthday party. We have such great neighbors. We love Sandy and May.

We went camping at Red Rock on Friday night. It wasn't our best campout. Red Rock isn't nearly as fun as Valley of Fire, especially in the campsites. And then it got really cold at night and it was spring break so there were college students driving in and out for most of the night. But the kids still had fun and we cooked hot dogs and smores. We'll go to Valley of Fire next time.

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