Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4

It's Easter. My mom and Dad and Ryan and Venessa and Jeremy came for Easter. They got here on Wednesday night. Ryan and Jeremy brought the stomach flu with them. So far Seth, Rachel and Danny have also gotten it. So we've stayed home mostly this weekend. But it was also conference this weekend so we wouldn't have done too much anyway.

Danny's 8th birthday was Friday. He got fish and chips from Carl's Jr. He had a basketball party and a dinosaur pinata. Then we went to the park and he and Aaron, Bob and my dad played basketball and T-ball for a long time. He said he had a great birthday. We also went to the drive-in on Monday to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", a book he's read. He just missed the stake baptisms, so he'll get baptized on May 1. He's really excited. He's such a great boy!

Conference was great. They talked a whole lot about children and how to nurture and teach them. We need to do better with family scripture study. Bob reads to the kids when he tucks them in, but Seth and I are usually in the other room getting him to bed. We have been doing well with our new family motto, though. It is Love, Learn, CTR. We have actions to go with it and we give out awards every Sunday at a family meeting. So all week long we write nominations of things people have done in each area. It gives a good forum to praise the kids for good choices.

Also earlier this week, I was trying to think if there was any questions or special things I should be thinking about for conference. I couldn't think of any, but then we had the missionaries over for dinner and one of them shared a spiritual thought and said he is focusing on what the Prophet is going to tell us. I knew that was what I needed to listen for too. Then when President Monson started speaking today it was about death. At first I was a little nervous because I don't want to learn anything about death. But then I realized that I need to share his message with Sandy, next door, who is dying of cancer. I've been thinking for a while that I need to talk to her. President Monson's talk was wonderful, and was everything I could imagine she should hear. So now I just need to figure out how and when to approach her.

I went to an appointment for my pregnancy last thursday. Things went well. They did an ultrasound then and said I'm due November 18. But it was a few days too early to hear a heartbeat. So I went back this Thursday for another ultrasound. The heartbeat was there, but it was a little slower than it should be. It was 117 and they like it to be between 120 and 180. So I'm going back again this week for another ultrasound. I'm still pretty sick and tired. This week it got pretty bad so I took some of the anti-nausea medicine from the dr. It helped some. So at least I didn't feel sick constantly. If I get busy enough, I can forget about it for a little bit.

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