Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25

We tried to go camping this weekend with the Salmon's. It was perfect weather and it was going to be a great trip. But we got there at 4:00 just like we always do and it was full! It's never full then. So we hiked and had a bbq and smores with the Salmons. The kids had fun. We stayed until dark. It would have been really fun to stay overnight, but it was nice to sleep in our own beds. Seth also got a cold that night and was up most of the night, so that would have been miserable in a tent.

Saturday was beautiful weather. I cleaned the windows inside and out and Bob cleaned both cars and the kids played. Then we went to the church and played basketball and rode bikes. Aaron learned to ride his two-wheeler yesterday. It was great. He's tried a couple of times before and was too scared. But this time he got it right away. He rode all over the parking lot with Bob running next to him. I could hear him laughing the whole time. He was so proud of himself. There's been a reward offered for a long time that if he learned to ride his bike, he'd get his own scooter. So he got that yesterday too. He had a great day!

Bob and I went on a date last night. We were going to go to the temple, but Seth was sick. So we were going to do sealings so we'd get home sooner. Then we decided we didn't even have time for that and just went to dinner. It turned out to be the best choice. We got home to Seth not sleeping and being all snotty. So I sat and held him for a while and then as soon as I put him in bed, Aaron was up screaming because his stomach hurt. Bob was ready to take him to the doctor, but I sat with him in the bathroom for a long time and it turned out it was just bad digestive issues. So we were glad we came home in time to take care of our boys. And then after all that, they both slept through the night. We were ready for a long night of getting up with our sick boys, but we were pleasantly surprised.

Danny's baptism is Saturday. He's so excited. And we're so proud of him. Everyone is coming in late Friday night and leaving Sunday afternoon. So it will be a super quick trip, but we're so glad they can make it.

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