Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19

Danny is really getting into baseball. He had three games last week. The last two games, he got hits every time he was at bat. And one time he even hit a homerun. He's so fun to watch as things click for him--it makes him work even harder to be better.

Rachel and I had "the talk" yesterday. I found out that her friend told her what sex is last week. So on Sunday we all went up to the temple to walk around and Rachel and I went off by ourselves to talk. I think it went pretty well. I explained that it's sacred and it's a special way to make babies. And I told her that satan tries to make it dirty and gross and not very special. Once she understood it's purpose she seemed to really relax. She such a great girl. I love her so much.

Friday night I took Danny, Rachel and Aaaron to the drive in with three of their friends. Bob stayed home with Seth. Because it was too late for Seth and Bob needed to go to bed early for another triathlon. It was at Lake Mead again. He did really well. He did it 30 min faster than the one he did there last fall.

I've been a lot less sick this week. I only took the nausea medicine once. And the week before I was taking one or two a day. So I hope that's ok that I'm not so sick. I'm still super tired though.

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