Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26

We had a great time at California Adventures this week. It wasn't very crowded at all. The longest wait time was 10 minutes, which was great because the kids get really whiney if they have to wait too long. We got to ride everything and several things lots of times. It was really hot, though. We were there from 10 to 6:30.

Seth took a 1 hour nap, but was happy all day. He had a great time in the Monsters Inc ride, which we did four times. And he loved the parade. We were buddies throughout the day because between him being less than 40 inches and me being pregnant, we weren't allowed on many of the rides.

Rachel was our dare devil and loved all the scary rides. Her favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster that goes upside down. She also went on the tower of terror three times--more than Danny did.

Danny was a trooper and never complained about walking everywhere. His favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster too. Danny and Rachel went on it together. Bob was going to go with them, but that would make one of the kids have to ride by themselves, so he just let them go together. I was a little worried about that, but they did great.

Aaron was brave too and loved everything. His favorite was Mullholland Madness, a fun roller coaster that had no wait at all; so they rode it at least 5 times. The kids also loved going in the redwood forest where they had a zipline that never had a wait, so every time we walked by they went in and rode it a few times.

The day was harder on me being pregnant than I thought it would be. I made sure I was drinking all day long, but by about 4:00 I started having contractions and had to sit for a while, but that was while Seth slept so it worked well. My back is still a little sore, but it was still worth it to go. It was fun to spend time together visiting such a fun place.

I had a doctor appointment on Thursday. I'm 32 weeks, but she said I measured more like 30 weeks. I've never had a doctor tell me that. But I was thinking she must be smaller than the other babies because she can really move and spin around in there. But I also remember thinking that Rachel moved more than Danny did. So maybe my girls are just smaller than the boys. I'll go back in 2 weeks because I'm getting close to the end. It'll be interesting to see if she catches up, or if she stays small. I'm getting excited to meet her.

We heard yesterday that the bank did the appraisal on Debbie's house. It was good to hear things are moving and not just sitting somewhere waiting. But it still should be another month until we hear from the bank with a counter offer. But we're still excited for the prospect of more room. The kids talk all the time about who is going to get their own room.

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