Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26

We had a wonderful Christmas. The week was great with the kids home. I was nervous about fighting and teasing, but the kids were great. For some reason Danny stopped teasing. And it made such a huge impact--Aaron wasn't on edge all the time and they all played so nicely. Aaron still had tantrums about not being able to do things, or losing at the Wii, but they were totally manageable compared to the fighting tantrums. I talked to Danny and told him I was proud of him, but he never told me what made the difference for him. I love it, though. We went to the park one day and to the library one day. It was rainy all week, so one day the kids played in the puddles in the backyard. I made two kinds of fudge to give away this year and we all delivered it one night; the kids had a lot of fun taking treats to their friends and teachers.

My parents and Kristal and Dustin got here on Friday morning early. All but Kristal, Ruby, Seth and I went up to Mt. Charleston to go sledding. They had a great time. That night we had the nativity and they kids opened the presents they got for each other.

Christmas morning we got up at 6:50 am. Rachel got her Nintendo DSI that she wanted and Aaron and Danny got an ATV powerwheels. Seth got a blow-up trampoline for in the house. And I got our family to be sickness-free for the whole week before Christmas, which I had really wanted! It was a really nice Christmas. We're so blessed.

My parents will leave tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to another great week. I'm going out to dinner on Tues with some friends from church for my birthday. And then Bob got a babysitter on Wednesday, my birthday, and he took half the day off, so he and Ruby and I will go shopping and out to dinner. Then Thursday we'll go to Ryan's for the weekend.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 18

We've had at least one person sick in our house for over six weeks now. We were sick before Ruby came and every day since. I've had a slight cold here and there, but not too sick. But this week was my turn. I got pink eye and tonsillitis. I've been sick since Tuesday and I'm just starting to feel better today. Bob has really stepped up to help. He's stayed home a lot to help and taken lots of turns at night. But, thankfully, Ruby has been healthy this whole time. So maybe I'm at least giving her some antibodies to help her fight whatever I have. I'm praying for a healthy Christmas break with the kids. It'll be a little crazy with all of them home all day anyway, but if they're sick, it'll be harder.

Ruby went to her appointment this week. She's up to 10 lbs. The doctor said she'd probably just grow out of the reflux and didn't want to prescribe anything yet. As long as it doesn't get as bad as it did for Aaron, it'll be ok. So I don't even try to lay her down anymore. She sleeps on us, or in her swing or carseat. And during the day I use her baby bjorn alot to keep her upright. She sleeps great in it and it seems to be helping her spitting up a little. She's started being grumpy from about 8-11 pm and then restless again from 4-6 am; so we don't get very much rest at night. But she's so cute cuddly and she's smiling at us more and more.

Because I was sick, we didn't do too much for Christmas traditions this week. But on Monday we went and drove through the Gift of Lights. The kids all loved it. And yesterday we all went over to the Deans and had pizza and made candy trains. The kids had their Christmas parties at school and now it's Christmas break. We'll make fudge and treats this week to take to friends and teachers. And tonight we're going to sleep under the Christmas tree. My family will get here on Thursday. I'm excited about that.

We heard from our real estate agent that our house will probably close at the end of January; they think they just about have the final approval for the short sale. We're so excited to get more space. It'll be great to have all of January to pack and then be able to get into the house. Hopefully Ruby will cooperate with packing.

We get a little nervous sometimes about having two houses, but we really feel like the Lord provided this opportunity for us and if we keep working hard, things will work out. I was reading my Patriarchal blessing this week and it talks about our necessities will always be provided and even in difficult times, our needs will be met. As I read it I realized our necessities were met as well as our wants with this house. I remember being worried that we'd never be able to move to something bigger when the real estate prices were all going down. But I remember having the feeling that when we had five kids, we'd be able to get a bigger house. At that time we didn't even know if we would have five. But this house has worked out right in the midst of having five kids. Debbie told us that they prayed about short selling their house in February, but didn't feel right about it, but in July when they prayed about it, even though nothing had changed for them financially in that time, it did feel right then. We wouldn't have been ready to buy their house if it had gone up for sale in February. There are so many things like that that have made us feel this is a move that will be good for our family and that Heavenly Father approves of this choice.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12

I'm getting more energy and getting more used to how many little people are in our house now. I'm done bleeding now, which is the earliest that has ever happened for me. And hopefully I'll be able to start exercising in a week or so. I still have 15 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm excited to be able to go to the gym and get back into swimming and spinning and exercise as hard as I want and not have to worry about my heart rate getting too high or my knees bumping into my stomach or anything like that.

I'm always amazed at how blessed I am as a mom especially when I have a new baby around. It's so hard to get used to all the work and lack of sleep the first few months. This time I've really noticed those blessings in an increase in patience. I was worried before Ruby came that I'd be inpatient and not as loving as I should be to the other kids. I started praying a few months ago that I'd be able to be nice when I was sleep deprived. This week I've noticed how calm I've been with the kids the last few weeks even with a new baby and then I remembered my prayer and I realized it is my prayer being answered.

Ruby is one month now. She's filling in nicely. She still isn't really round, but she's not so scrawny and wrinkly looking. She's smiling a little. And she's spitting up a ton! I'm taking her in for a checkup and to see if she has reflux tomorrow. She can't ever sleep laying down because she'll choke or just spit up all over herself. So Bob and I take turns sleeping in the recliner or on the couch with her to keep her at least at an angle a little.

We started a new Christmas tradition last night. We had a fondue party. We had cheese fondue for dinner, which the kids love. Then we had chocolate fondue for dessert. Then we watched a Christmas movie.

I'm just about done with Christmas shopping. Just a few little things to even the kids out and stocking stuffers. I think Bob and I are going to go take care of those last things together this weekend.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8

My mom came on the 21st to help with Ruby. She's so great. I'm so thankful for her. She helped clean and shop for Thanksgiving. Then Casey, Kami, Kristal, and my Dad came Tuesday night. We had a great meal and went to see the movie "Megamind" on Thanksgiving and we had a nice time being together. Saturday night we went to see the Cactus garden at the Chocolate Factory. Our kids look forward to that every year.

Then this week was my first on my own. It wasn't too bad. Except for having to drive the carpool, that was a pain. But I shouldn't have to drive again until January, so that will help a lot. I did the vacuuming and went to Sam's club this week, that was too much too soon apparently because I started feeling bad again. Hopefully I'll get back on track faster this time and I'll let Bob do the vacuuming this week.

Ruby is really spitting up a lot now. Rachel spit up a lot too, but not as much as Ruby. It makes night time really difficult. Because if we don't keep her up to get all the burps out, then she'll be a little fountain when we lay her down.

Ruby was blessed when she was 2 weeks old because that's when we had the most family here. My dad and Casey and the Bishop Williams, Steve Whittle, and Foi Tuitama participated in the blessing. It was a nice blessing. Ruby was quiet for the whole thing. And she looked so pretty in her white blessing dress.

The kids are all loving Ruby. Danny and Rachel can carry her around and love to hold her. Aaron sits down to hold her, but asks to all the time. He's really good with babies. And Seth still loves the baby too and asks to hold her quite often. Seth has really adjusted to having a new baby really well. He doesn't seem to resent her or me since I spend so much time with her. Seth is still such a happy boy. And he's really starting to try to say a lot more words. He's still missing many sounds, but he has his own version of words and we're understanding more of what he says.

Danny is really helpful and thoughtful with Ruby. He tries so hard to make good choices. And he knows so much about the gospel. He's a great friend to his friends and he's fun to talk to. He and Aaron fight quite often, but I guess that's normal for brothers. But when he and Rachel and Aaron get playing together it's so wonderful.

Rachel is quite social. She has many friends and acquaintances at school. She has such a good time with her core group of friends. She works hard on her homework and is the top in her class. She is loving piano and tennis. She's been doing tennis for four months. At first she wasn't so sure about it, but now she's doing great and having fun, even though Jaclyn doesn't do it anymore. I'm so happy she likes it. I just wanted something she could have fun at and feel like she does well. Her coaches are great and they practice really close to home too.

Aaron is getting past some of his tantrums. He's doing great at his preschool this year. He's so smart and he wants to learn and do well, so I don't need to fight him to do his work or go to school, which is so nice. He still has tantrums and is very strong-willed, but it's getting so much better. He's a great help with Ruby and he and Seth are starting to be able to play together.