Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 18

We've had at least one person sick in our house for over six weeks now. We were sick before Ruby came and every day since. I've had a slight cold here and there, but not too sick. But this week was my turn. I got pink eye and tonsillitis. I've been sick since Tuesday and I'm just starting to feel better today. Bob has really stepped up to help. He's stayed home a lot to help and taken lots of turns at night. But, thankfully, Ruby has been healthy this whole time. So maybe I'm at least giving her some antibodies to help her fight whatever I have. I'm praying for a healthy Christmas break with the kids. It'll be a little crazy with all of them home all day anyway, but if they're sick, it'll be harder.

Ruby went to her appointment this week. She's up to 10 lbs. The doctor said she'd probably just grow out of the reflux and didn't want to prescribe anything yet. As long as it doesn't get as bad as it did for Aaron, it'll be ok. So I don't even try to lay her down anymore. She sleeps on us, or in her swing or carseat. And during the day I use her baby bjorn alot to keep her upright. She sleeps great in it and it seems to be helping her spitting up a little. She's started being grumpy from about 8-11 pm and then restless again from 4-6 am; so we don't get very much rest at night. But she's so cute cuddly and she's smiling at us more and more.

Because I was sick, we didn't do too much for Christmas traditions this week. But on Monday we went and drove through the Gift of Lights. The kids all loved it. And yesterday we all went over to the Deans and had pizza and made candy trains. The kids had their Christmas parties at school and now it's Christmas break. We'll make fudge and treats this week to take to friends and teachers. And tonight we're going to sleep under the Christmas tree. My family will get here on Thursday. I'm excited about that.

We heard from our real estate agent that our house will probably close at the end of January; they think they just about have the final approval for the short sale. We're so excited to get more space. It'll be great to have all of January to pack and then be able to get into the house. Hopefully Ruby will cooperate with packing.

We get a little nervous sometimes about having two houses, but we really feel like the Lord provided this opportunity for us and if we keep working hard, things will work out. I was reading my Patriarchal blessing this week and it talks about our necessities will always be provided and even in difficult times, our needs will be met. As I read it I realized our necessities were met as well as our wants with this house. I remember being worried that we'd never be able to move to something bigger when the real estate prices were all going down. But I remember having the feeling that when we had five kids, we'd be able to get a bigger house. At that time we didn't even know if we would have five. But this house has worked out right in the midst of having five kids. Debbie told us that they prayed about short selling their house in February, but didn't feel right about it, but in July when they prayed about it, even though nothing had changed for them financially in that time, it did feel right then. We wouldn't have been ready to buy their house if it had gone up for sale in February. There are so many things like that that have made us feel this is a move that will be good for our family and that Heavenly Father approves of this choice.

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