Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20, 2011

We're still sick. It must be teaching us something. But I have had much more capacity to handle it this week. Ruby and Bob are the sickest. But today they are mostly over it so we will all go to church. Two Sundays in a row--this is the best we've done all winter.

The boys found out who their baseball coaches are and when practice will be. The busyness is starting. But they are both on teams with CJ and Cannon Dean and their practices are all at the same time, so it shouldn't be too bad. And Rachel's tennis started last Saturday. She did awesome. She's really picking it up. I'm so proud of her and glad she found something she likes to do.

Ruby and Seth have been going to BJ Lecates to be babysat for the last two weeks. They go on Tues and Thursday mornings from 9 to 12, while Aaron is at preschool. It's been awesome. So far I've just been working on websites while they're gone, but I plan to start going back to my swimming class too. Ruby does fine, except that she gets hungry at the end and won't take a bottle. Seth cries bad when I leave every time. But BJ says he's getting better and he's happy by the time I pick him up. I think it's good for him to learn anyway because he still cries at nursery too. Hopefully he's learning that I can leave and I will always come back.

My website work is pouring in. If I can get it all done sometime, I'll be able to make quite a bit of money. It's such a blessing to feel so secure with our money.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

Seth's cold didn't turn into an ear infection. And Ruby got it too, but she only had one small fever and hasn't really been grumpy from it, except when it was hard to breathe through her nose at night. Prayer answered in the way I wanted! What a blessing!

But it was still a week long cold and he still has a very runny nose. We've just been sick for so long! So last Sunday was fast Sunday. I fasted that we can be done being sick. Sick season for us is usually from November to March or April. But we've never been sick the whole time. So I prayed that if there isn't any reason for us to be sick, like to teach us or give us immunity in the future or whatever, then I really want to be done with sickness for this sick season. I thought of it like my labor and asking for an epidural. The pain of the contractions is just part of the process, but there's no real reason for me to feel that pain if I just ask for an epidural. I usually go as long as I can before I ask for it, but there really is no reason to not ask for it. So, we'll see if that sickness is needed for us. I hope it isn't. And I think there is still plenty of hard things in my life with learning to handle five kids and Bob in the Bishopric and gone a lot, so it's not like things will be too easy if we aren't sick. So we'll see what the rest of sick season has in store for us, but I think my prayer was a righteous desire, so I think the Lord will intervene for us if it's best.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011

In a Relief Society lesson a few weeks ago the teacher challenged us to learn better how the Holy Ghost talks to us. I knew that's something I should do. I know that Heavenly Father listens and answers all my prayers. I just don't always hear the answers very well. I love getting blessings because then I can hear with my physical ears and spiritual ears and I'm confident I hear the answer correctly that way. But I really want to be better at hearing and obeying promptings and answers to prayer.

Seth is sick AGAIN. Ruby also had a fever for two nights, but no runny nose or much grumpiness. Seth has a bad cold. I know I can get through another bad sickness because I was helped through the last one a few weeks ago, even though it was really hard. But I really don't want to. And I don't want Seth to have to go through that. I can't help him very well or give him the love and attention he needs when he's sick when I need to take care of Ruby too. So last night I prayed fervently with Seth and alone that Heavenly Father would help us and Seth to heal, that the cold won't turn into an ear infection and that he won't feel as down as he did last time. But I know if I can't have it the way I want it and it gets really bad again, Heavenly Father will help me through that. Then today Seth looks horrible. Bob stayed home to help me. But Seth hasn't gotten a fever yet. I started worrying for tomorrow when Bob has to go back to work. I know Heavenly Father answered my prayer last night, but I wasn't sure I heard that answer. As I was thinking and praying about that, the primary song "I Pray in Faith" came to my mind and got stuck there. I kept hearing the line, "He hears and answers me when I pray in faith" over and over. I realized that was a wonderful confirmation that Heavenly Father had heard me and answered me. He wasn't going to tell me exactly what would happen to Seth, but he'd heard me and was taking care of things as they should be. So I still don't know how bad things will get, but they are in His hands and he will grant my requests if that is best.