Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 2011

It was nice to have a normal week at home. Girls Camp was this week so Bob was gone two nights. We mostly just stayed home. I did venture to Sams Club and DI with all five kids though. Errands take so much longer with all the kids. We swam every day. We made some fun treats like rollo pretzels and tye-dye cake.

We had our baby shower yesterday. It turned out to be a bad day for it because only two kids came. But we still had a great time. The kids reached their service goal. And a small party is so much easier to manage.

Seth has a cold so I'm staying at home with him and Ruby. I went to the 9:00 sacrament meeting before Bob had to be at meetings. Seth's cold isn't too bad, he just gets so snotty when he's sick that I can't take him to nursery. I'm praying that we'll be healthy by Thursday because then we'll leave for Ryan's house and Grandma Monte's 80th birthday party and we have lots of fun things planned--waterslides, the beach and Legoland.

Ruby is crawling! She still doesn't go really far so we haven't had to put up the baby gates yet, but she can get to whatever she wants. She's such a fun, sweet baby.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

We just got back from Lake Tahoe last night. We had a wonderful time! We left last Friday and stayed until this Saturday. Wendy and her family came too. Amanda has a great new house that fit all 6 adults and 12 children perfectly. It was so fun to spend so much time with my girls again. We went to the beach several times and we went on a few little hikes. Lake Tahoe is just gorgeous. The Smiths just got a jet ski and kayak, which our kids adored. The girls and I went to dinner by ourselves one night. Bob and Danny went to a golf tournament and met Jimmer Fredette one day. Just our family went to Carson City one day. We did that last year too. The capital grounds are beautiful. We had a picnic and took tons of pictures and went to a museum. On Sunday my parents came and went on a hike with us after church. They were driving home from a family reunion in Idaho and just thought they'd call as they were driving in the area. But it turned out they were one mile away so they stopped and spent a couple of hours with us. The adults played Settlers of Cataan every night. We played Minute to Win It games and had a kid carnival. And we ate so much food. I feel so blessed to have those two girls in my life. I love them so much.

The week before we left we had a super fun party with great friends on Fourth of July. We had five families over for bbq, swimming, water balloons and fireworks. It was a great time. We love that we have such great friends and now we have such a great house to entertain with.

My breathing thing was completely gone in Tahoe and it came back within an hour of being home. I remember it did the same thing last year when we went. So maybe the heat triggers it. It sure is annoying whatever it is. How unlucky is that to be "allergic" to the heat and I live in Las Vegas?

Do we have another baby? I'm pretty sure we're done having kids. I gave away all my maternity clothes and all of Seth and Ruby's baby clothes. I really don't want to be pregnant again and I know Bob doesn't want to do a baby again. But we've always said the only way we'd have more is if the Spirit told us to. A couple weeks ago a friend told me how another friend is having her 7th baby because they went to the temple and found out they weren't done. That kind of scared me. Then I was remembering how I saw Aaron in the temple when I was pregnant with him. He was smiling. And that has helped me so many times when his tantrums are at their worst. But there was also a girl spirit that I saw that day in the temple. I thought it must be the girl I was doing the endowment for. Her name was Anna. But maybe it was a daughter I should have. If I had another girl I would name her Anna. I'll have to think about this more. We have had such a hard time since Ruby was born. We love her to death and wouldn't change a second. But moving and five kids and the bishopric and three kids at home and Seth and Ruby so close have all made life difficult a lot of the time. We barely feel like we're keeping our heads above water. But if I had to pick the trials I have in life, being pushed to the limit with lots of babies would be way better than a lot of other options.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011

Bob and I had a great anniversary. We took the kids over to the Deans and Ruby and Seth stayed with Lexi Thursday afternoon. We went to a city council meeting for an hour first to support a man in our ward who is running. Then we drove down to Mandalay Bay. We got milkshakes on the way. The show was so good and the costumes were amazing. Friday morning we got up and took Seth over to the Deans after breakfast. We decided we wanted to get a few things done around the house that morning because two whole days is a long time to be lazy. So we painted the flagstone on the pool with sealant. And Bob aerated the lawn while I finished sewing the curtains and Ruby took a long nap.

Then we drove down to Lake Las Vegas in the afternoon. We stayed at a hotel called Ravella. It was really nice. We got a suite so there was plenty of room and Ruby had her own room to sleep in. It was nice to have Ruby with us because she never gets that much attention from both of us. She ate it up. She was performing and growling and smiling the whole time. It was really fun to play with her. And she was really good to play with her toys some and nap and sleep well so we could have some time just the two of us. We walked around the resort and went to a Mexican restaurant. Then Bob took Ruby and went and got us some candy and a redbox movie while I read.

Saturday we had a nice breakfast at the hotel and I read some more and Bob went to the gym while Ruby napped. We checked out and stopped at Costco and Walmart on the way home to get food for our BBQ party we're having at our house tomorrow for July 4th.

The kids had a great time at the Deans. They were so worn out when they got home from their sleepover.

Seth is getting really hard. He won't stay in his bed at night and he has lots of tantrums and he wants lots of independence. And with four other kids it's really hard for us to be as consistent as we need to be with him, so that just makes things worse. Hopefully when the kids go back to school things will settle down for him and we'll be able to get him more under control. I miss my cute, easy Seth.

The kids and I went and saw Cars 2 at the theater this week. We left Ruby at BJs. They all paid for the movie themselves with their allowance. We had a great time. And we got a bucket of drumsticks from KFC on the way home. They thought that was the greatest thing ever.

I went to my Dr. appt on Monday about my breathing. He did a bunch of tests and my heart and lungs are fine. He said it must be some kind of anxiety thing, which is frustrating because I don't know how I'm controlling that. But it has been a little better this week knowing that it's more in my head and not a big deal. So I guess I just live with it and hopefully it'll go away in the fall like it did last year.