Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 2011

It was nice to have a normal week at home. Girls Camp was this week so Bob was gone two nights. We mostly just stayed home. I did venture to Sams Club and DI with all five kids though. Errands take so much longer with all the kids. We swam every day. We made some fun treats like rollo pretzels and tye-dye cake.

We had our baby shower yesterday. It turned out to be a bad day for it because only two kids came. But we still had a great time. The kids reached their service goal. And a small party is so much easier to manage.

Seth has a cold so I'm staying at home with him and Ruby. I went to the 9:00 sacrament meeting before Bob had to be at meetings. Seth's cold isn't too bad, he just gets so snotty when he's sick that I can't take him to nursery. I'm praying that we'll be healthy by Thursday because then we'll leave for Ryan's house and Grandma Monte's 80th birthday party and we have lots of fun things planned--waterslides, the beach and Legoland.

Ruby is crawling! She still doesn't go really far so we haven't had to put up the baby gates yet, but she can get to whatever she wants. She's such a fun, sweet baby.

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