Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011

Bob and I had a great anniversary. We took the kids over to the Deans and Ruby and Seth stayed with Lexi Thursday afternoon. We went to a city council meeting for an hour first to support a man in our ward who is running. Then we drove down to Mandalay Bay. We got milkshakes on the way. The show was so good and the costumes were amazing. Friday morning we got up and took Seth over to the Deans after breakfast. We decided we wanted to get a few things done around the house that morning because two whole days is a long time to be lazy. So we painted the flagstone on the pool with sealant. And Bob aerated the lawn while I finished sewing the curtains and Ruby took a long nap.

Then we drove down to Lake Las Vegas in the afternoon. We stayed at a hotel called Ravella. It was really nice. We got a suite so there was plenty of room and Ruby had her own room to sleep in. It was nice to have Ruby with us because she never gets that much attention from both of us. She ate it up. She was performing and growling and smiling the whole time. It was really fun to play with her. And she was really good to play with her toys some and nap and sleep well so we could have some time just the two of us. We walked around the resort and went to a Mexican restaurant. Then Bob took Ruby and went and got us some candy and a redbox movie while I read.

Saturday we had a nice breakfast at the hotel and I read some more and Bob went to the gym while Ruby napped. We checked out and stopped at Costco and Walmart on the way home to get food for our BBQ party we're having at our house tomorrow for July 4th.

The kids had a great time at the Deans. They were so worn out when they got home from their sleepover.

Seth is getting really hard. He won't stay in his bed at night and he has lots of tantrums and he wants lots of independence. And with four other kids it's really hard for us to be as consistent as we need to be with him, so that just makes things worse. Hopefully when the kids go back to school things will settle down for him and we'll be able to get him more under control. I miss my cute, easy Seth.

The kids and I went and saw Cars 2 at the theater this week. We left Ruby at BJs. They all paid for the movie themselves with their allowance. We had a great time. And we got a bucket of drumsticks from KFC on the way home. They thought that was the greatest thing ever.

I went to my Dr. appt on Monday about my breathing. He did a bunch of tests and my heart and lungs are fine. He said it must be some kind of anxiety thing, which is frustrating because I don't know how I'm controlling that. But it has been a little better this week knowing that it's more in my head and not a big deal. So I guess I just live with it and hopefully it'll go away in the fall like it did last year.

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