Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012

We are finally healthy.  We spent the first 2 weeks of this year sick. We missed the last two Sundays.  So it was nice to be at church today. 

Seth started gymnastics this week.  He loved it.  The class is small so Ruby can even wander around and participate a little. We started the Cox-Dean basketball camp yesterday.  We're going to do our own basketball practice on Saturdays until baseball starts. Just to expose them to basketball and have a little fun.  I tried to put Aaron in a league, but there weren't enough boys his age who signed up so they cancelled it.

I got a few house projects done this week.  We hung more pictures in our front room.  It's feeling pretty close to done.  I want my coffee table refinished--I asked Bob to do it for me for Valentines day.  My mom got me an awesome lazy susan for my kitchen table for Christmas.  I painted it blue to match our kitchen.

I had an amazing experience at sacrament meeting today.  I was in a little bit of a bad mood as I sat down after fighting with kids to get everyone ready and on time to church.  So I sat there and I prayed that I'd see people and things as Heavenly Father does.  That prayer always helps me see needs and feel love.  So I was feeling a little better. Then Tali Tuitama, one of the young women, sat down across the isle from me.  I felt the spirit so strongly.  I could feel how much Heavenly Father loves her and the divine heritage she has. She didn't actually look different, but I could feel a glow coming off her, like I could see or feel the love of Heavenly Father.  I couldn't help the tears. It was that way for the whole meeting. I haven't felt the spirit that strongly in a while.  It's amazing to think of that feeling and know that Heavenly Father loves each of us that much.

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