Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Last week was full of YW meetings so I missed writing here.  We're getting into our fall routine.  Soccer started for the boys this week and gymnastics for Seth and Ruby.  Rachel's tennis will start in 2 weeks. 

I've done preschool with Seth four times now.  It's getting better and better.  The first couple of times he had a really hard time following and listening. But he's starting to get the routine better and he's really liking it.  I'm so glad he's home with me and I get to teach him and can tailor it just to his needs.  I think if I'd sent him to preschool he may have been "that kid" who can't sit still and work along with the rest of the class.  I'd hate for him to fail because I started him too early.  He's been doing gymnastics for a while too and still has a hard time remembering to follow directions.  But I think giving him this year at home and with gymnastics and hopefully a playgroup, he should do great at preschool next year.

I found someone at BYU who is donating his time to help with the United Way website. I'm so excited about that.  He's so knowledgeable and will be a great resource even after he's done with the projects he's helping with.  I've gotten so far behind because of big projects and not enough time and summer vacation.  It'll be nice to be able to work an hour a day again and not feel guilty about it.

I've been working on getting us a little healthier. I've been trying to add beans to our meals more.  The kids are taking it pretty well.  We also are making a "Shrek" smoothie every day.  (It's almost all spinach).  It's been fun finding good, healthier recipes.

I'm still struggling with our budget. There just isn't quite enough coming in for our wants.  Like this month, we just bough $100 of plants because our backyard needed it and they were on sale.  And we spent $75 to go to the UNLV football game because it's so fun to go there with our kids.  Both were good things, but they didn't fit in our budget before we did them.  I have such a hard time with those decisions.  I've got to work harder on it. We did have a perfect night watching football and our pool area looks really good now, though :).

Bob and I went to see Wicked last night.  It was incredible.  We had such a great time.  We'd heard such good things about it and we both were very impressed.  It was a fun date.

I had a realization about myself this week. My patriarchal blessing says I have the gift of discernment between good and evil.  So I've had a pretty easy time with a lot of the church's teachings.  Lots of things seem so black and white to me and it's easy to make the good choice.  And I can feel when the spirit is with me or when it leaves.  But I've had a really hard time in my life learning how to hear direction from the spirit.  I thought it was like that for most people, and maybe it is for lots, but I realized it's easy for some people. Which makes sense, I just hadn't thought of it before.  But the good thing is that I feel like I've taken this thing that I didn't have much natural talent in and I've made it a strength.  I definitely can do much better, but I know how to access the guidance I need now.  I love it.  It's still hard sometimes and a lot of work.

Some of the methods I use to find the Spirit's direction are
  • brainstorm questions and topics I need help with
  • brainstorm answers
  • PRAY lots
  • narrow down my brainstormed list and try the ones I think I should do. Or sometimes the Spirit just tells me which one first
  • Pay attention to my thoughts and notice things that pop in my mind
  • The spirit guides me as I show Him I really want an answer and I'm willing to work for it.
  • Write down every priesthood blessing
  • Really pay attention at conference and stake conference.

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