Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3, 2012

The first week of school went great.  It was nice kind of know what we were doing this year since we've been at this school before and I don't have a kindergartener.  The kids all know more what to expect and the start of school was so easy.  The kids seem to have good teachers.  Danny has Mrs. Jackson, Rachel has Mrs. Adams and Aaron has Mrs. Mott.  They clustered the GATE kids so I'm thinking that will be great for Danny and Rachel this year. 

Aaron decided not to do swim team during school.  I'm pretty glad.  We had one week of school with swim team every day and that is a lot for a first grader, and for me.  So I lucked out and signed him up for soccer on the last day.  That should start next week and so does Rachel's tennis.

It was nice to have the kids back at school and have more of a schedule now.  I can get the kitchen cleaned up in the morning and it stays that way for several hours.  And I can make a list of things that I need to do and actually get most of them done.  It's great.

I'm starting preschool with Seth tomorrow. I'm excited. I think he'll really like it and it'll be fun to get to focus on him so much.

We went to St. George again with the Deans.  Neither of us had plans for Labor Day weekend so we decided at the last minute to go up Sunday night and stay the day on Monday.  We had a great time.  We went to the St. George Temple with the kids Sunday night.  It was fun to be there with them and go through the visitors' center.  We stayed up late playing games that night.  Then  Monday we went to a fun park, then swimming at their clubhouse, then we had lunch and the big kids all played an exciting game of Monopoly.  We stopped at Iceberg for dinner and then came home.  It was a fun, quick trip with great friends!

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