Sunday, November 4, 2012


Money is tight and frustrating sometimes. I was thinking about it and how I'd felt prompted to pray for some new sidework for Bob to be prepared. At least that's what I think it was-something financial at least-back in August. Soon after that our budget began to feel tight and Bob's work at cc bootcamp has almost stopped. So it makes sense that I was to pray for more work for Bob. But that work hasn't come. As I was thinking about it the phrase "Prove me now herewith' came to my mind.  From 3 Ne 24:10. The rest of it says "if I will not open you the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." So we may not have the blessing I thought we were going to get, but we have been so blessed. So I thought I would keep track of things I notice so I can see how the windows of Heaven have opened to us.
  • Bob's grandparents sent us $300 for Halloween out of the blue
  • Bob gets his extra paycheck in November this year instead of December like I thought
  • I have plenty of website work if I 'll just make time to do it
  • I've been learning to be more frugal with grocery shopping and price matching
  • I lost my wallet in the doctor's parking lot and before I even knew it was gone, 3 honest people had worked hard to find me and return it
  • I lost my keys at the triathlon and someone found them and returned them and just in time so I could still swim in the race.
  • my mom bought me lots of new clothes when she visited and gave us some money for staying here
  • Bob found out that we can refinance our current house, which should save us $150 per month and we won't have to make a house payment for 2 months.

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