Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012

Last Sunday was Ruby's birthday.  She's 2.  She doesn't even look like a baby anymore.  She's such a fun girl.  She talks so much.  She loves going to gymnastics, playing with the kids, watching movies on my phone, playing babies and dancing.  Some things she says to me that I love are: "Tank you, mommy" she says it all the time. "get me now" She's trying to say "can't get me now" and she wants me to chase her.  "Play me, Mommy". She wants me to play with her.  Usually we're playing princesses or babies.

For her birthday, we had the Deans over for cake and ice cream.  She helped me make her cake.  She picked an orange cake with pink frosting and blue letters.  She was so proud of her cake. She got a little people princess castle and a baby and carseat.  She loved all her presents and had fun playing with everyone. We sure love our little doll!

The kids all started basketball.  They seem to have great coaches and I think I have really good carpools that will make 3 teams at the same time possible. 

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