Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2013

I had a neat experience with Aaron this week.  It was a tender mercy.  We went to the water slides for the first time this week.  We went with the Deans.  The 3 older kids paired up with a Dean and they rode the rides together.  I was a little worried about Aaron and Cannon since their not as old as the others, but we let them go.  I stayed with Ruby and Seth all day and Ruby didn't love it.  So it was kind of hard to keep her happy so we could stay and let the other kids enjoy it.  We got on the lazy river after lunch and the both liked it, so we stayed a long time.  By the time we got out I realized I hadn't seen Aaron for a few hours.  I was watching Seth and Ruby in the wave pool by now and I started getting worried.  I knew I couldn't get the kids out and go look for Aaron around the park without crying and whining and having to carry them at this point.  So I just watched them and prayed and prayed.  I knew Heavenly Father knew where Aaron was and I knew He could send the Holy Ghost to Aaron if I asked.  So I asked Him to tell Aaron to come check in with me.  I asked over and over and kept watched for 10 or 15 minutes.  Then Aaron showed up to check in.  I was relieved and thankful and recognized it as a tender mercy.  But it wasn't until I talked to Aaron about it later that I was really amazed.  I told Aaron and he said he had been in line for what he thought was 30 minutes.  It was the really crowded part of the day so you have to wait in a long line to get a tube and then you wait in another line to go on the slide.  He'd waiting through the whole first line and was about to get his tube, when he felt he need to check in. So he left the line he'd been waiting in and followed the prompting to come see me.  It was such a tender mercy.

Our first full week of summer break at home went pretty well.  Seth finished swimming lessons and is swimming all over the pool.  The kids played with friends a lot.  Aaron and Rachel both set up play dates with kids from school.  Aaron picked a boy who is in the San Destin ward.  I'm so glad they got together.  They played so great.  Aaron is a hard one to match with friends.  He seems to more tolerate his regular friends than really enjoy playing with them.  But this friend, Jack Monson, was like his bosom buddy.  They were so fun to see together.  Hopefully they'll get to play together a lot this summer.

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