Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014

My parents came Friday at lunch time.  Danny is getting ordained today. It's been nice to have them here. Friday we went swimming.  The pool was up to 85 degrees and watched Frozen and had pizza.  Saturday we spent most of the day at games and then we went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse for my dad's birthday and then came home and had cake and ice cream. My dad will go home tomorrow morning and mom will stay until Thursday when we all drive to their house to have Easter with everyone. It'll be fun to have my mom here for Spring Break.

Seth still concerns me a little.  He's doing soccer and he's happy about it.  But he doesn't pay attention well at all.  He'll just stand in the middle of the game and watch people on the sidelines. Or he'll keep up ok if I'm constantly yelling to ask him where the ball is.  And I thought we'd gotten him doing better at school but it's really not that much better.  He worked really hard to not be the last one done with the assignment and did pretty well for a week.  But there are usually two assignments and he's usually last in at least one. We're working on sight words and reading at home and it's so hard for him.  Maybe he's just going to be slower or maybe my other kids are all just quicker to pick things up, but I keep worrying about it so after spring Break I'm going to start talking to people and figure out what I need to do to get things checked out. Maybe he'll be fine but hopefully I'll learn how to motivate him better.

Last weekend was general Conference. Kenton and his family decided to come visit that weekend on their way to San Diego. It was fun to see them.  All the kids loved it.  But we didn't get to watch conference on Saturday so that was a bummer.  Danny went to his first Priesthood session though.  Then we went and saw the Bellagio Fountains with them that night.

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