Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21. 2014

Middle School basketball didn't work out.  In the end neither school was willing to work with me even though they say they are supposed to. Bummer.  But maybe it'll be better for Danny to be one of the really good players on his Somerset team.

Ruby is slowly getting better.  I felt impressed to put her name on the temple prayer roll when we were there Friday night and I think that's really helped her.  She was just getting tired of not feeling well, I think.  By Friday she was hardly eating or drinking and didn't want to take medicine and she was being a lot more grumpy and tired.  She's still talking funny and cries easily, but she's doing better.

I'm trying to get our family to eat healthier.  It started because I had a few minutes a few weeks ago so I watched the beginning of a documentary on netflix called Hungry for Change.  It talked about how industrialized and processed all our food is. So I started reading some things and researching.  One of the things that confused me was that a lot of the current trends and "clean eating" things say to stay away from wheat.  That must be wrong because the word of wisdom says wheat is for man.  So today I started reading the word of wisdom and praying about that.  Then I found several websites where other people have studied about it and tried living it and learned a lot.  I'm going to start working toward understanding and living it better.  We bought a wheat grinder on craigslist an I've made bread with it a few times.  Maybe I'll make that a regular thing.  I'm going to buy plain greek yogurt and have the kids mix honey or berries in it.  And I'm going to buy less chips and crackers and cereal and be better at making healthy after school snacks and more smoothies and have more fruits and vegetables available.  I've let me kids know my plans so hopefully they'll get on board and not fight it too much.  I like the feeling of being more in control and knowledgeable about what we're eating.

We're still discussing the possibility of buying Bob's grandparents house next fall.  There are just so many variables that would have to work out right for it to be a good fit for us.  But we keep thinking about it.  Maybe it's really a good option for us or maybe we just like the excitement of possibilities.

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