Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015

Here are my goals:
  1. Make a plan for scripture time and stick to it. 2:30 weekdays
  2. Make a plan for mom school and make sure we do it every month.
  3. Keep to my new monthly budget system every month
  4. Schedule and follow through with playtime every week with family
  5. Earn at least $400 every month
  6. Have a family over for dinner every month.  Reach out to one person every week
  7. Be kind, do not yell, don't say anything bad about anyone
  8. Follow the Word of Wisdom as closely as I can
My goals are going pretty well.  This week I had a few less motivated days, but until then I'd been doing really well.  And I think I'll be able to get back on track quickly when we get back.  I love how I feel when I'm on top of all these things.  Especially making my scriptures the priority and then being proactive about planning my time and focusing on the things that are most important.

We're in Visalia for MLK weekend.  Gma and Gpa Barnhart are here so we decided to come see them.  Yesterday we went over to our old house on Paradise because they are in between renters and needed some help cleaning and doing yard work.  They also took down their whole fence. Bob and Danny helped for a long time; after they got up early to play basketball with my dad.

My dad gave Bob a father's blessing this morning.  He said he'd had the feeling he needed to do it a few weeks ago when he was saying his prayer.  It was so nice.  About the middle of the blessing, my dad said that both Heavenly Father and Bob's earthly Father love him and they both started crying. I think that was the first time I've actually seen Bob cry.

I'm reading the Everyday Missionary by Christofferson right now.  It's awesome.  It's getting me more pumped up to share the gospel again.  I feel like I was working on fellowshipping several people about 6 months ago and it was great.  But they've all slowly stopped responding to me and I haven't been good at getting more going.  I'm excited to have more tools to use to get going.  It feels so good when I'm working on that stuff.

We're planning our trip to Paris and Versailles.  Bob is really into it.  He's doing most of the planning.  I'm so glad because I think I might have talked myself out of going by now, but he's doing a great job planning and it will be so great to go.

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