Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 16, 2015

We had a great trip to Visalia. We did some shopping, went to Adventure park because Ruby wanted to go to the place with the games where you get a cup of money, swimming at the neighbors' house, and we rode the train from Hanford to Fresno.  The kids thought that was great.  We walked around for a couple hours and rode home and ate at Superior dairy on the way home.  My dad made a knife throwing target for YM and Danny had a great time with that. We had a family party there for Rachel's birthday.  We went out to Sizzler for dinner and then had cake at home.  We gave her her Iphone there.  She thought it was great.

For Rachel's real birthday, she had McKayla over for a lateover and they went and got manicures. Then the next day we took Danny and Rachel to the temple.  It was great. It's so nice to have the temple that is so accessible and kids who want to go.  We want to try to get a regular trip going once a month and maybe rotate through different parents driving.  I think that will be so helpful to the kids to keep their testimonies strong.

Seth got in to Sky Pointe too.  I thought the boys had no chance this year.  I went ahead and registered him.  I'm hoping Aaron will get in too, but that isn't as likely since we're only one week out from school starting. So now my carpooling will be a little crazy with kids at 2 different elementary schools, middle school and preschool. The legislature just voted for kindergarten to be all day for everyone starting next year.  So it'll be a little sad to lose Ruby all day, but it'll be so nice not to have a middle of the day pickup.

I've started doing family history.  Bob's uncle Jody has been doing a lot of work on and he shared it with Bob.  So while I was at my mom's I had her show me some things so I can try to combine the two sites.  I've found a lot of names that way.  Also there were a lot of names just waiting because it's been a long time since someone in Bob's family has done family history.  It's nice to have something I can do.  My family has so much done.  My mom spends hours and hours to just get a name or 2.  The church has been saying to "find your cousins" so I figure that doing Bob's names is like finding my cousins.

Kata and my mom have both been telling me about books they've been reading about the Second Coming.  So I read a couple.  I think I need to work on my food storage and emergency preparedness.

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