Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3, 2015

We've had a busy summer!  We got passes to Cowabunga Bay because we thought we didn't have as many trips as usual.  Ha! But it's been so fun to have them. We try to go every week we're home.  Ruby and Seth are tall enough to ride most of the rides now, but they each have to have someone older than 16 go with them. So if Bob goes with us we get to ride all the rides, but that's only been 2 times this summer.  So on all the other weeks we spend a lot of time in the lazy river, wave pool and kiddie slides.  It's still super fun, though. Seth even rode "The Drop" this last time we went.  You have to be 48 inches to ride it.  He barely is, but I thought for sure he'd want to wait another year. They put you in a tube and close the door and then the bottom drops out.  Out of the blue, he said he thinks he wants to do it.  So we went up there and we let several people go in front of us while he watched to make sure he wanted to do it.  But then he did it and he loved it! He even went again. He's a little thrill seeker.  He likes the bigger roller coasters at Magic mountain too.

Right after school got out, we spent a night at the Excalibur to celebrate their graduation from this year of Mom School.  We got 2 rooms and played skipbo. We had fun at the pools Thursday night. Friday we got up and went to the Coke store and M&M world.  We had such a great time at those.  We watched a 3D movie at M&M and then we ordered different sodas from around the world at Coke.

My tingly arms are getting better.  They did a bunch of tests and couldn't figure out why it's happening.  I haven't done much exercise with my arms and I think all our vacations have helped because I didn't have to do much cleaning.  They still tingle sometimes, but it isn't as strong. And I can't sleep on my right side, yet, but my back is usually just fine now.

The girls had their dance recital.  They did great!! It was so fun to watch. I'm so glad they have this cute little place for them to dance. Sandy and May came too. While they were there, Sandy mentioned they need a new dog walker.  Danny and Rachel got the job.  It's been awesome for them. And they earn a lot of money.

After girls camp, Danny went to Scout camp.  He had a good time.  They camped lower on Mt. Charleston, so it was a little hotter for them.  Bob went for the last couple of days.  He came home Saturday morning and that night the Deans came to stay with us that night and then we drove to Mexico on Sunday.  Celise Salmon's family has a beach house south of Rosarito and she invited a few families to come stay.  We also met the Mechams there.  They have kids Danny, Rachel and Aaron's ages.  So there were plenty of kids for everyone.  We stayed from Sunday to Thursday. We had a fabulous time. The house had plenty of room for all of us. It was cloudy most of the time and a little cold at night. We had the beach to ourselves every day.  The kids played in the sand and boogie boarded for hours every day.  Because the beach wasn't used very much, there were hundreds of perfect sand dollars all over the beach.  The kids collected buckets full. The kids played fun games at night.  We went to a little tourist market one day and the kids all bought cheap souvenirs.  Rachel bought a purse. Danny got a hat. Aaron bought a hammock for his bedroom. Seth bought a crossbow. And Ruby didn't like any of the junk so she decided she wanted her own trip to Winco to get candy when we got home.

We got home from Mexico 5 minutes before Ryan and Venessa got to our house for 4th of July. Kristal and Dan came too.  We had a great time with them.  We swam in the pool, the adults went to the Stratosphere one night, we did fireworks and ate good food.  There were tons of illegal fireworks this year.  Our neighbor behind us did them for hours.  We had such a good time watching them in between doing ours, until we went in our backyard and realized it was covered with cardboard and other things that had fallen when the fireworks exploded.  It took us an hour and a half to clean up our backyard. Everyone left on Monday.

Then that Friday we left for Lake Tahoe.  We got there in time for their airport's airshow that Kevin organizes every year.  It was so fun.  They had lots of airplanes we could look inside and they had airplanes flying all the time doing tricks and showing off. They kids watched a puppet show and Ruby got her face painted.  They had all these cute girly designs of butterflies and flowers, but when she sat down and they asked what she wanted, she pointed right to the big black batman mask.  We get to eat lunch in the VIP tent and we had snowcones as we walked around.

Sunday we had our annual family testimony meeting by the reservoir.  It was nice.  And then that night we went to Sugar Pine state park and Amanda took our family pictures. They turned out great again.And then we walked around and had fun. We went to Donner lake one day and put in the jet ski and kayaks. We went to the neighborhood pool and played tennis and went to the bmx track.  We went to Watson lake. It was so fun.  It was this tiny lake with tons of tad poles.  The kids put the kayaks in and paddled over to "Tadpole Terrace" where there were tons of them.  Ruby was fearless with them. She'd reach right down and grab a frog or tadpole as soon as she saw one.  Her brothers would even call her over to get some for them because they were a little grossed out by the slimy things. We also went of a hike around the lake and had a picnic there. And then we had a day at Sand Harbor.  We just did the kayaks because the lake is too low for the jet ski.  The kids found a great place to catch crawdads and Amanda cooked them up for them again this year.  We played games every night and Danny joined us this year and he loved it.  Kevin and Amanda are such wonderful hosts. We have so much fun with them and we're so glad they let us come every year.

We left Lake Tahoe and headed to Utah for the weekend because Bob's college friends were getting together.  We stayed with Wendy and Ryan, who are so kind to let us stay there.  I was so happy to get to see them, especially since they weren't able to come to Tahoe this year.  We got together with Trina and Sarah for breakfast on Saturday and then that afternoon we went up to Salt Lake to Jeff's house for a barbecue with all Bob's friends and their families. Everyone had a great time.  Bob stayed longer with some of the guys.  Sunday we got to stay at Wendy's and play in their great backyard and walk on the trail that goes behind their house.  Monday we headed home and stopped at the Dean's house for a couple hours on the way home.  The kids loved to have that time with them.

Rachel left yesterday (Sunday) to go stay with my mom for a few days.  She flew all by herself. Then we'll all get there Thursday night.  Bob will stay until Sunday and then fly home and we'll stay until the next Thursday.  We have to be home that night because Bob is taking Rachel to a concert of a band they both like that night for her birthday.  Then the next night she'll have a party with her friends on her actual birthday. And hopefully then next day we'll be able to take her and Danny to the temple to do some family baptisms.  We've been saving lots of female names for her.

Then we'll just have a week until school starts. Danny and Rachel are starting at Somerset Skypointe. It's similar to ours, but it has a real school building and we've heard great things about it.  The kids might stay there for high school too, so it'll be nice for them to try it out this year and then Danny will be better able to make his choice for High School. And Ruby will start preschool.  She's so excited and so am I!

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