Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015

 My breathing is doing a lot better since conference. I've been really trying to focus on the Savior. Elder Maynes of the 70 talked about clay pots on the potters wheel and how if they were right in the center of the potters wheel that pots with spin out of control. I Felt like that was a good analogy for my life. I think I'm spinning really fast  but I don't know that I was in the direct center before. I was trying to do so many good things but Christ was probably not in the center is he should've been. So I've been really working on that. It's been helping me  feel happier and more calm.

 My tingling arms have been horrible though. They've been waking me up most nights. Last week they also started getting weak. My muscles feel sore and my hands move in slow motion like when you've been out in the cold really long  and your muscles are kind of frozen.  So I decided to fast last Thursday for help with my arms. I found a website that talks about helping pinched nerves because of poor posture. That makes sense that that could be part of my issue. I don't have the best posture. So I've been doing the exercises that that site says to do.  I felt a lot of help after I fasted and my arm seem to do a little bit better. But it still continues. I had  Bob give me a blessing on Sunday night. He talked about being able to recognize the correlations between my activities and my tingling arms. That would be great. Because right  right now I don't see any correlation. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I am active or not or drive more or do exercises or not. I have no idea. The blessing also said that I will be led  to the specific person that can help me with my issue. It's  comforting to know there is someone that can help me. I hope it isn't extremely time-consuming and money consuming though.  I think I will make an appointment with Scott Pensivy tomorrow.  He seems to at least be a good starting place if it's not him.

 Bob and I finished our love and logic class we've been taking for the last six weeks. It was very helpful. I had felt like my parenting was getting a little out of control. The kids weren't listening like I thought they should. And I was feeling a little overworked and under appreciated. The class has help me to get them to help around the house  better and to be able to communicate with them without getting mad.

 Bob Ruby and Aaron leave tomorrow for their trip to Virginia. They're all very excited. It will be nice to have a few extra hours during the day to get things done. I plan to go to a meeting at the school and go to the temple and get some housework done.  But I think I will especially miss Ruby because she's my little sidekick.

 Bill Hulterstrom came to town last week and we met at Jamba Juice one morning. It was good to refocus on my website work. I haven't been doing a very good job staying on top of that. It's so easy to prioritize other things above it. But now I am planning to have regular meetings with the communications  Director to be able to stay on top of the projects they need me to do. There are also planning to redesign their website. That's always a fun project.

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