Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 2, 2015

This weekend was Halloween.  We had our ward Trunk or Treat on Friday night. Danny didn't dress up this year.  He handed out candy in the van.  Rachel was Pikachu, Aaron was the guy from scream, Seth was a SWAT guy, that he's wanted to be all year, but then when it came time, he just wanted to wear the sumo costume.  So I let him wear that for trick or treating, but he had to wear the SWAT one for trunk or treat. And Ruby was bat girl. We had a great time at the trunk or treat.  Then Saturday was halloween.  We had our annual potluck dinner with our friends in the area and then went trick or treating.  Danny didn't dress up again and just hung out with a couple of friends at their house.  Rachel went trick or treating with a bunch of beehives.  Aaron went out with some friends who had plans to go really fast.  They did 2 neighborhoods in the time we did one.  So then Bob and I just walked around with Seth and Ruby.

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